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[stock][Munar Rover] The DI-850-MuATJPRV


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Here it is. Probably one of the first stock munar buggies based on a kearth bound design the DI-00-ATJPRV previously posted here. Below are pictures from my mission. Probably my largest (and surprisingly stable) rocket yet purely for the purpose of carrying the buggy consisting of x6 RCS tanks.

Below Pictures:


After TKI


Munar entry burn


Decent stage


landed despite snapping one wing


lowering the buggy proved eventful, not to mention leaving a smaller buggy than expected


it is free!


after losing another tank :-\


Capsule can still travel on it\'s own :)


At the furthest point from landing site.


Back at the landing site, the Kermans prepare for their long stay...


The final stats.

The other photos can be viewed from imgur: http://imgur.com/a/kMsMt#18

Hopefully I will shortly getting a slightly less 'kerbal' mission and get to test out the complete buggy. Meanwhile enjoy...

EDIT: Below are the photos taken from the 3rd mission using the 850. Second mission crashed on impact and only the capsule survived (the landing craft is a lot heavier than I am used to)


Landed without breaking anything this time! ;D


Also managed to get the rover down safely using a bit of RCS :D


It moves!


Top speed of 4.1 m/s


now to climb the nearest hill

After than managed to destroy the rover after testing if lateral jets work

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