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new dutch design work in progress (titian trasporter) stto

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hey guys here is something i'm working on.

its based of the titian, a big plane i made a while ago (see first image)

this is gona be a stto intended to bring big loads in to orbit (a orange tank at least)




i hope to get some feedback and maybe some ideas form you guy.

Edited by soulreaver1981
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Wow this is a really cool idea! as for ideas, maybe you could have a rover inside with the brake applied and when cruising over the Mun you could release the brakes and let it roll out the back then land the rover with small engines on each corner. This could be very challenging I'm sure......now to get that much weight to the Mun!

Edited by castille7
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  soulreaver1981 said:
hey guys here is something i'm working on.


i hope to get some feedback and maybe some ideas form you guy.

Tips? Probably the biggest is structural stability. I've gotten good at building heavy lifters. This is the inevitable result of my efforts: Flyingfox SSTO Heavy Lifter

I have found you need to have a solid engineering process so that you know the plane is going to work. This will prevent the scenario where you put countless hours into a build only to find one issue makes it fail it's mission requirements. So, I start with a power plant that I know is going to get into orbit at maximum load, plus the fuel tanks for stated range and all the various 'wiring'(fuel lines, intakes, etc). After that is the battery of tests, the most important of which are the structural tests.

The absolute essential tests are, the drop test and the taxi test. The drop test it to put your craft on the runway as early in the build process as possible and using hack gravity, drop it onto the tarmac from higher elevations until at least 10m is zero threat. This has to be done with maximum payload in the cargo hold. The taxi test is to go down the runway(again under full load) at takeoff speed, power down and aggressively swerve from side to side. If your plane stays together without breaking or undue wobble during these two tests then your design will hold up.

Another test which I like to do is sit on the runway at 4x speed. This will show me where my fail points are likely to be.

I also use temporary aerodynamic and flight control surfaces before I 'skin' it with wings. The wings take the longest and you need to know the craft is right before the wings go on. I use winglet stacks and a wing arrangement I call the pizza box to do my orbital tests. Once I'm happy it's going into space as per its mission requirements, then it's time to put some clothes on it.

That's my approach, based on design lifters designed around a girder and strut super structure so they can STOL to and from other planetary bodies.


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