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Questions about custom resources


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Is it possible to have a custom resource that is only transfered to other parts that is directly connected to it? We have the fuel crossfeed switch, but it only applies to jet fuel, oxidizer and rocket fuel right?

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I'm not quite sure what it is you are asking. Do you mean can you make a resource that only flows down like in a rocket or do you mean a resource that can only be transferred to the part next to it even when ALT right clicked?

Rocket fuel and jet fuel are actually the same. Oxidizer and liquid fuel only flows down in a stack unless fuel pipes are added. In the Resource definition Electricity is written

"name = ElectricCharge

density = 0

flowMode = ALL_VESSEL

transfer = PUMP

isTweakable = true"

but fuel is

"name = LiquidFuel

density = 0.005


transfer = PUMP

isTweakable = true"

so you could make a resource that used "STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH" and it should only flow in the same stack, I think. never really tried playing with this part of resources.

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Not within the stock game, there is a DIRECT transfer mode, but it doesn't seem to be different from PUMP. You could with a plugin add a new transfer mode and also a new flowMode if you wanted.

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So it is possible then? I was reading up on jet engines and experimenting with NASAs EngineSim and was thinking about if it were possible to do something similar in KSP. My idea is having one part that is a compressor, that you add as many as you like, that uses "Torque"-resource and "Intake air" then after that you stack a burner that is feeded a "Compressed air" resource from the compressor stage(s) that then feeds "Pressurized/heated gas" (or something) to a turbine stack that feeds the "Torque"-resource back to the compressor stage and lastly you have an exhaust that converts the remaining "Pressurized gas" into thrust. I guess this would need new parts that would store the fuel aswell (as for example wings?). I imagine it would be fun to design your own engine and balancing it for specific uses, like a added fan stage would use up some of the torque and intake air to convert directly to thrust, or balancing different parts and making sure the turbine(s) generate enough torque to drive the compressor(s), easy throttle managning etc...

Edited by RagnarDa
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Possible yes, but I think you'll find that kind of implementation using stock systems is not going to give you the results you want because of it's various quirks. You're better off making a plugin that has modules for each part and those modules interact directly in the code instead of using the resource system to pass results back and forth.

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