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My Little Pony Megathread


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  Scruce said:

I\'d just like to tell you, I\'m in close contact with the maker of that skin (River Crab), I was talking to RC about the fact you used the RD skin.

River Crab sends bro-hoofs! /)

:D *bro-hoof*

I actually use his Twilight Sparkle and ANA skins too. They look great!


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  GoDamitt said:


You mean to tell me you sad monkeys actually watch this crap?

If any boy was caught watching girly crap like that when I was 16, you would immediately be shunned and outcast as a poofter!

< img snip >

This isn\'t a hate thread. Go away. Its a MLP megathread.

Edit: Remove quoted image.

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  GoDamitt said:


You mean to tell me you sad monkeys actually watch this crap?

If any boy was caught watching girly crap like that when I was 16, you would immediately be shunned and outcast as a poofter!

< img snip >

You know, I never imagined you as a hateful person. But it seems I\'ve been disproven.

Edit: Removed quoted image.

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[mod]Ladies and gentlemen I have been very patient with this thread. As you have seen I have tried time and again to put into place effective methods to make every party happy. They have not worked. Since I just issued a warning for trolling I will furthermore be locking this thread. When I get home from work in a few hours I will personally create a new mlp thread with clear rules to maintain order and fun. Thread locked unless overruled by superior.[/mod]

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  GoDamitt said:


You mean to tell me you sad monkeys actually watch this crap?

If any boy was caught watching girly crap like that when I was 16, you would immediately be shunned and outcast as a poofter!

If you\'re interested in a serious discussion on why I and others enjoy the show, I\'d be more than happy to participate, but your comment isn\'t one anyone here hasn\'t seen many times before, and it\'s rarely made in good faith.

I will note, as well, that appealing to the judgement of sixteen year old males and posting an old and tired badly-captioned-cat meme image are not, as arguments, particularly convincing.

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Ok, I think that image is pushing the plot posting in this thread; for the softcore guys at least. I\'m not even going to mention what I look at.

  Gojira said:

still no john joseco?

seriously, what is wrong with you guys?

That would be a bad idea. I should know.

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Y\'remember the scene in Feeling Pinkie Keen where Twilight gets so angry she spontaneously combusts? That\'s how I feel about creeper posts. Keep it clean, people.

JJ\'s stuff is fantastically drawn but a fair amount of it is a tad sexual for my taste.

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