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Never let go Jeb.

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Ok so here's my issue...

Every time I perform EVA I get flung from my rocket, not so far that I can't get back to my rocket, but far enough to cause concern perhaps 200m in the worst case. This happens EVERY time I EVA so it's getting a little annoying, If doesn't matter whether I'm in deep space or in an LKO it's always the same. Also once I finally make it back to my rocket. I am often flung away again as soon as I hit "F" to grab the ladder and it sometimes takes two or three attempts to get back inside.

I'm currently running mechjeb remote tech and protractor,

Please help, I don't want to loose another kerbal :(

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This sounds like you have some parts too close to the hatch, and your kerbal is clipping into them while leaving. Can you post a screenshot?

I can't post anything just yet as I'm at work but the particular design in question is a MK1 pod with 2 goo tanks strapped to the sides but rotated so they align vertically with the white lines on the tank. the bottoms of the goo tanks are quite a distance from the hatch but the tops are maybe just slightly close. I'll try a redesign tonight :)

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I can't post anything just yet as I'm at work but the particular design in question is a MK1 pod with 2 goo tanks strapped to the sides but rotated so they align vertically with the white lines on the tank. the bottoms of the goo tanks are quite a distance from the hatch but the tops are maybe just slightly close. I'll try a redesign tonight :)

Rotating them might actually be your problem. If you just strap two on the sides with symmetry on and slide them down to a low point on the sides, they shouldn't block the hatch.

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