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Kerbal Quotes


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"Hopefully, it will have been worth the wait."

-Gabe Kerbell

"Now you're thinking with engines"

-Generic Launch and Directional Orientation System, GLaDOS

"It's time, Doctor Kerman."


"I don't know what to put here"

-Yechlenstenamentoialityughmentoielretmachgeryuppotuchumusdreebmenbraahjkles Sejetlemarletquesamutylmachementermen

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"Press T." - Mission Control, much more times than I can count.

"Houston, pressing T doesn't work. All hope is lost." - The Late Lovell Kerman, Moonshoot 13

"Fire all the decouplers!" - Mission Control, after a loose bolt caused the rocket to prematurely explode

"I see it! I see it! Firing all missiles!" - Last Transmission From UPSS Explorer One

"Mayday! Mayday! Mission Control, we are going down, losing altitude fast! Have not yet reached upper atmospher-Mayday! Mayday!" - The Spacecraft Von Kerman after it lost all contact. It is assumed to have broken up and exploded in the Joolian atmosphere after it aerobraked a tad bit too close.

"All right, all right; good night fella's, sleep tight." - UPSS Atlas as it crossed into the dark side of Laythe. All contact was lost shortly after and the ship failed to check in with the military installations around Vall the next day and was not registered on the radar of orbiting satellites, and the fate of the spacecraft remains an mystery to this day.

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"Opah Gagnam style!"--Jebediah Kerman, on the Armstrong 11, just before impact into the Mun

"What does this button do?"--Too many kerbals just before catastrophic failure

"THE MIDDLE ENGINE FELL OFF AGAIN WHAT THE #@^*?!?!?!"--Mission Control, many, many, many times...

"I'm jetpacking on the Mun!"--Last words of Danke Kerman

"I've seen too much death in my time. I'm sorry."--Bill Kerman, retiring

"Hey, Jane, I'm on the Mun!"--Bob Kerman, to his girlfriend

"Do we have batteries?"--Hans Kerman, currently stuck in orbit

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"The red light and alarm means all systems are nominal, right?!"

"How do I tell when to start the suicide burn?!"

"Where's the spacebar?!"

"KSC, can you send us some duct tape...this is going to need a lot of it."

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"Why did I take these jets?" - Sigmund Kerman after the first landing on Eve.

"I don't need luck, I have fuel!" - Jeb

"Got to Moho, please send fuel" - Jeb after some excessive maneuvering.

"What means we didn't refill RCS tanks???" - Matt Kerman during Laythe landing.

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"I see tanks of fuel--

huge engines, too!

I see them boom

for me and you,

and I think to myself:

what a wonderful world!" -Kerbals singing along at KSC's tremendous yearly fireworks festival

"When Kerby roars, go indoors!" -Kerby the Safety Rocket during a KSC PSA for nearby residents.

"How many stages does it take to get to the center of a Whakjob rocket? The world may never know!" -Whackjob Engineering's slogan.

"Look, Bob! No hands!" -Jebediah throughout his missions.

"Kerbals never yield!" -The KSC motto.

"May the force be with you." -A literal truth spoken to each ascending rocket.


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  Duxwing said:
"I see tanks of fuel--

huge engines, too!

I see them boom

for me and you,

and I think to myself:

what a wonderful world!" -Kerbals singing along at KSC's tremendous yearly fireworks festival

*slow clap*

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