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Unity 5 Support

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Okay guys, this year at GDC Unity 5 was offically announced, causing thousands of players and developers around the world to have a simultaneous nerdgasm.

Why implement Unity 5 though? Isn't it just a better version of the engine? Here's why.

64Bit Support

Not only does Unity 5 have better graphics as a whole, it also has integrated 64bit support built in. Meaning KSP will use more than 4Gbs of RAM for your mod library.


Playing a game for graphics is horrible and you should be condemned for such a crime. However, down the line with Unity 5, KSP may have a graphic future reminiscent of this:

PhysX 3.3

Better physics would help, and it supports multi-core physics, meaning less lag and more awesome.

Better workspace for Devs

Meaning that the devs could work easier and faster with more intuitive Unity GUI.

Personally I think that this is something that needs to happen. Unity 5 is one huge leap for all Kerbalkind, and should be treated as such.


Edited by TronPrime1
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Does Unity 5 support multi-core physics?

If so, yes, absolutely as soon as possible the developers should look into moving KSP over to Unity 5 given the massive CPU bottleneck the current state of affairs causes. Otherwise, unless it's very simple to move the game over to 5 so KSP can benefit from 64 bit support, I see no pressing reason to upgrade.

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Does Unity 5 support multi-core physics?

It may do, but it's nowhere near release yet. Indeed the below quote is the nearest that Unity themselves have come to a release date (posted five days ago on the unity forums by Graham Dunnett - the Director of Support for unity)

"I'm not able to give you a date, or even a month. It is, however, not the case that 4.6 has to ship before 5.0, although the timing would be odd, I guess. The long delay between the 4.0 announcement at GDC two years ago, and the final arrival in November 2012 wasn't our proudest moment. Our dev and QA teams are working under a great deal of pressure to get 5.0 out during the summer. The beta group may throw out interesting curveballs that cause more engineering work, but the desire is to not make pre-order customers wait forever."

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It may do, but it's nowhere near release yet.

Yes, it may not be released until summer, however this suggestion is simply to raise awareness of what KSP can become with an updated engine, and to give the Devs time to think about and discuss the Pros and Cons of migrating over to a newer engine.

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I'm going to have to close this one up. Not that it's a bad suggestion, but it's been brought up a lot lately. At this time, there are no plans for 64 bit support, but the devs are excited about the potential of Unity 5.

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