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Coupling Auto Breaks on Lift Off...

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The couplings instantly break on liftoff, Can anyone help me out, I've attempted to strut the hell out of it and didn't work

Just a guess from the photos presented. Looks like struts are uneven with cross bracing needed to stop the twisting that is causing the rocket to lose pitch and yaw.

This design had issues with similar handling problems until it was cross braced.


And one similar to your design that another poster was having issues with until bracing was balanced across the core stage coupler.


In that case, a coupler broke when the rocket reached this stage of the flight. It was oscillating during flight and broke when the rocket executed the orbital turn. It took a set of cubic pieces with struts anchored to the coupler to fix.


If the problem can't be solved from information only, try posting the Craft file for others to examine for what is causing the failure and a possible solution.

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I'm having a hard time telling what part is actually breaking. Is it the radial decouplers that hold on the side boosters or the in-line decoupler higher up?

Based on the fact that you're going 114 m/s at 4 seconds into the flight, I would guess you're accelerating a bit too hard. You might need to back your throttle down a little bit, and you'll likely have to keep throttling down as you burn off fuel (until you stage off some engines).

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If you're not going to be able to resist pushing your throttle to the limit on ascent, use smaller engines ... that actually has multiple benefits:

No temptation to over-thrust

Probably higher ISP

Lower mass = greater delta-v

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Ahaha fixed it already, too many G's was breaking one of my inline couplers

Nice Job! :)

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