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[Collection] Kosmos Spacecraft Design Bureau (SSPP 4.1 6/12/12)


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I wasn\'t going to post this until in game but.. that might take some time. But i feel you need your treats. Though. it is a very small lander leg haha. Very small.... It barely gives you enough clearance for the small stock landing engine ^^


Oh wait look... more spy pictures.


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Does anyone have information on the LK landers little brake stages? I see two in the picture but see nothing about them lol.

I\'m pretty sure the braking stages were just burns of the Blok D.

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The Blok D was used for the LOI and the braking burn for landing. The LK Lander crashed the Blok D into the surface, which allowed it to carry just enough fuel for the Blok E to handle the final descent and then the ascent.

The crasher stage concept is more efficient than having two dedicated landing and ascent stages, I use it a lot. The drawback is that it\'s not cool to drop a huge bomb on your buddies when you are approaching a lunar base ;) It also kind of misses the point of lunar exploration when you are the one making the craters ;)

You can deal with this by correcting your final trajectory after dropping the crasher stage, so that the crasher stage lands far away, but automated MechJeb landings don\'t support this yet.

A dedicated Blok D would be cool, but it is very similar to your KVTK. The blok D is also still used today as an upperstage/tug for Soyuz and Proton launches, similar to the Briz M.

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You might be running out of memory. Could you make a low-res pack for both Kosmos and Angara, CBBP? That\'d really help with such issues.

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Monitored the memory (RAM) and didnt notice anything out of the ordinary, but you could be right. Im no expert ;<

Yeah its an issue specificaly with Kosmos. Deleted the addon, and now no crashes

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Well, there is the flight scene which eats a lot, and you probably hae some other parts...

At least this happens only with Kosmos and 300 parts total, while 600 parts without Kosmos are fine...

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yeah i will defiantly be doing low res pack. it is just with everything updatng so much currently it is sort of... well. low on the pole. plus people can easily make their own lower res pack lol. I will attempt to make one when SSPP comes along. need to get panels updated and hopefully nodes being done.

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Well, there is the flight scene which eats a lot, and you probably hae some other parts...

At least this happens only with Kosmos and 300 parts total, while 600 parts without Kosmos are fine...

I have only vanilla and Kosmos. So it cant be more than 300 parts.

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