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Planet Hugger Challenge

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It's time to show off some sweet orbital skills.

So the atmosphere of Kerbin ends at 69,078m.

How close can you get?

To complete this, you will need to complete one orbit with 5x timewarp around Kerbin, as close as you can get your orbit. Also, MechJeb is not allowed. Use Kerbal Engineer if you need delta-V and orbital data.

You can either take a video of this or take a screenshot showing that the orbit is not inside the atmosphere.

I'll edit this post to mention;

The lightest entry

The closest entry

and the strangest entry

Go ahead to mention extra rules for yourself and remember.

Have fun! :D

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I wonder what the "5x timewarp" rule means. The game will switch you to 1x timewarp as soon as you get below 70 km, even before you touch the atmosphere. And below that you can only use physics timewarp which goes up to 4x. So is the challenge about getting as close as possible to these 70 km?

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