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Smallest rocket challenge

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Smallest rocket challenge:

The goal is to build a rocket with the least amount of mass possible and take it to other celestial bodies without refueling and return safely.


No mods except for the kind that don't add parts or change gameplay such as kerbal alarm clock unless you want to go in the "modded" leaderboard. Still no hyperedit or mods like that. Mechjeb is allowed in the modded leaderboard

No cheating

The mass is how much how much mass at lift off not how much it ways when it gets to the other body

For getting Ion engine bonus you must use them.

To get the points for a planet/moon you have to land on it and return.

Use only 1 ship for going to as many planets as you can. No refueling.


-2 per ton

+2 per kerbal on board

+10 if flag is planted

+15 if uses is ion

+60 for moho

+20 for Mun

+20 for Minimus

+30 for Gilly

+75 for Eve

+45 for dres

+35 for Ike

+50 for Duna

+75 for laythe

+50 for Pol

+30 for Bop

+50 for Vall

+70 for Tylo

+90 for Eeloo

More info:

I need screenshots for proof (cant have videos my internet is too bad)

The rockets can be probes

You can visit as many planets and moons as you want

Have fun!

oh and tell me if i need to change anything, this is my first challenge!

Stock Leaderboard:

1: Mike the Mechanic 183

2: Lou 76




Modded Leaderboard






Edited by Fireking883
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You might want to consider if using jet engines is acceptable. They change the payload mass fraction by quite a bit and put jet boosted rockets at quite an advantage in this. (Unless that's what you're looking for.)

Also, is your intent that one ship does as much of this as possible. i.e. You launch one ship in orbit and do all of what you propose? Or do you make one design and are allowed to launch multiple copies on several missions?

You might want to add more details on using ion engines. Someone could just slap an ion on the side so it's technically "in use" but have a NERVA (or other) as the main engine, which I don't think you intended.

Do you need to land on the body to get the points? Or just obtain orbit, or pass through the SOI? For example, how do I get the +20 for going to Minmus?

Just some things to think about. :)

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ok I am going to add a little more specific detail on the ion engines and how to get the points but to answer your question, yes you need to land on the body to get the points. You also have to use 1 ship to land on as many bodies as possible without refueling. And yes you can you jet engines. :)

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UPDATED: Landed on Minimus and Gilly in one mission without refuling.

Mass at Launch = 11.986

Notes: No mods used, no gravity assists used.

+2 per kerbal on board (1 Kerbal on board)

+20 for Minimus (check)

+10 if flag is planted (check for Minimus)

+30 for Gilly (check)

+10 if flag is planted (check for Gilly)

+15 if uses is ion (check)







Click here for more images.

Parts list:

8x Sepratron I, mass of each = 0.0725

2x RAPIER Engine, mass of each = 1.75

2x Ram Air Intake, mass of each = 0.011

8x XM-G50 Radial Air Intake, mass of each = 0.0125

2x FT-T200 tank, mass of each = 1.125

2x FL-T100 tank, mass of each = 0.5625

2x FL-T100 tank with no oxidizer, mass of each = 0.2925

3x LT-5 Micro Landing Strut, mass of each = 0.015

4x TT-38K Radial Decoupler, mass of each = 0.025

1x TR-2V Stack Decoupler, mass of each = 0.015

1x Mk1 Lander Can, mass of each = 0.66

1x Mk16 Parachute, mass of each = 0.1

52x Cubic Octagonal Strut, mass of each = 0.001

2x Octagonal Strut, mass of each = 0.001

6x OX-44 2x3 Photovoltaic Panel, mass of each = 0.0175

24x OX-4L 1x6 Photovoltaic Panel, mass of each = 0.0175

16x PB-X5R0 Xenon Container, mass of each = 0.07

4x PB-ION Electric Propulsion System, mass of each = 0.25

4x RV-105 RCS Block, mass of each = 0.05

1x telus-LV Bay Mobility Enhancer, mass of each = 0.005

Edited by Lou
Updated my rocket design to reduce mass
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well... your score would be -103

That does put you in first as you are currently the only one who has done the challenge. However if you could land on the mun or even Duna it would really help your score.

Edited by Fireking883
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how about this otheyguy, I make a modded leader board of this and you can enter your probe?

I believe that could be the best solution for most challenges as many people do like to customize their game with mods.

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Does this count? Originally made for the Jool 5 Challenge, it weights 31.4 tons and it visited Laythe, Tylo, Vall, Bop and Pol (I jetpacked Bop, no points for Bop), which makes for 183 points according to the grading sceme. I suggest you make us visit only one body with the lowest mass possible, that way you could prevent entries like mine ;)

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Single stage to Mun orbit based upon the cheapest rocket to orbit challange. (Stock)


If mods were allowed, this goes just about anywhere.


With the more powerful ion engine, a two stage variant of this would certainly go anywhere. (although this might yet yet hit Voyager with enough time to escape Kerbal SOI)


Edited by SRV Ron
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