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Kerbal on a High-Powered Rocket, Again!


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Hello once again!

You may remember my last Kerbal-launching adventure.

It was a great success for Kerbal-kind... but Science isn't Science unless you can reproduce your results. (And Jeb wanted to go up again so bad, I just couldn't say no.)

So, here's another Kerbal launch. This one flew to a higher altitude at a faster speed, due to a very-slightly-more-powerful motor. This time, thanks to the addition of some electrical tape, Jeb remained safe on his carrier seat. In other words, the flight went as close to perfectly as anyone could hope.

Here's the video. I decided to make this one a bit more 'cinematic' and included some in-game KSP video. Oh, and I set it to that one M83 song that everyone uses. I hope you don't mind. :wink:

(oh, and for that last clip, I removed the top of the nose cone myself. It totally didn't come off on landing. Totally. heh heh)

Enjoy the video! Let me know if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them.

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I'm glad you guys like this video. I spent a fair amount of time making it. I don't know if I'll get another Video Wednesday though. :)

A few things I forgot to mention:

The reason I didn't use video from the camera-on-a-tripod at the base of the rocket was that it wasn't recording, thanks to a hurried preparation for launch.

In between flights, Jeb was coated with a layer of five-minute epoxy, which is likely how he survived the harder landing (on gravel instead of snow, like last time).

All of those other launch pads in the background were there because of a rocketry competition transpiring on that day. I showed some people the little figure of Jeb, but only a few people knew who he was supposed to be.

As for the specs on the rocket, I'll quote a post that I made for my last launch, because I'm lazy.

  UpsilonAerospace said:
Hello everyone! I'm glad that so many people are taking an interest in model rocketry. It's a really cool hobby, and I've found that it's understandable for KSP players.

The rocket was built from a Madcow Rocketry "Cowabunga" kit [link: http://www.madcowrocketry.com/Cowabunga_Rocket_p/k-128.htm ]. I wouldn't recommend building a Cowabunga if you don't have much rocketry experience, but once you're ready to fly big things, it's a good place to start. I also built a short, custom payload section on the top of the rocket for the GoPro camera and for the Kerbal. With Kerbal and camera in tow, the rocket is four inches in diameter, a little over two feet tall and a hair over three pounds.

The Cowabunga originally cost $59.95, though with shipping and purchases of items such as parachute protectors, the cost ended up closer to $100 for that section. The custom-built bit cost only about $10 (it was mostly made out of inexpensive cardboard tubing). The rocket motor was a reloadable, so the casing cost $60 but the actual propellant only cost $25 or so per flight. For recording flight data, I used an AltimeterTwo, which cost about $60. The camera was by far the most expensive part, at $500. As for Jeb? He only cost ~$3.

I always fly the Cowabunga on an H123W reloadable from a rocket-motor manufacturer called Aerotech. (The H123 is large enough to boost the rocket to an impressive altitude while still staying under 4oz. propellant, and the total rocket is juuuuust under 3.3lbs, which means I can fly it without a wavier or anything! My rocketry club covers the FAA notification so I don't even have to do that.). Whenever the camera's on the rocket, I can expect about 1500 feet in altitude, but without the camera it has reached 2,000 feet.

So, any questions, comments, concerns, complaints or consternations? :)

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...and, just to keep the thread alive, a few photos (Very large! Sorry.)

Here's an image of the model of Jeb. He was created out of four different colors of plasticine (Green, Orange, Black and White) and stands close to two inches tall. His arms fit perfectly around a small-size rocket body tube :). He used to look nicer, but he got some crud on him after the first launch that wasn't cleaned off before he got epoxied... sigh.


Jeb has a special carrier seat on him with a magnet on the back, held in place with Velcro and a bit of electrical tape. He is mounted on the side of the tube primarily to provide a counterweight for the GoPro camera, otherwise he would be flat on his back. (Also, he likes the warm tickly feeling that comes when all of the blood drains out of his head, as is typical with these launches :wink:)


...and, of course, how could this mission not have a Bona Fide Mission Patch?! Presenting the only acronym that I could come up with, the K.A.L.E. (Kerbal Awesome Launch Experience... no relation to the green bitter vegetable.)


[edit: Made images smaller.]

Thank you guys so much for all of the positive feedback. I really appreciate it. :D


Edited by UpsilonAerospace
Images in the wrong order!
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Oh god... I thought I recognized that profile picture! I was there for that launch. Small world...

You've inspired me. Clearly, I must make a model Bill and Bob and launch them the next time I go to that site.

On an unrelated note, the lake looks so much closer from 1500 feet. It makes me amazed that I've never seen a rocket land in there yet.

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  Armchair Rocket Scientist said:
Oh god... I thought I recognized that profile picture! I was there for that launch. Small world...

Small world indeed. :confused:

That was my first CATO (Catastrophic failure of motor) and wow, what an exciting one to witness! The li'l profile picture doesn't do it justice.

  Armchair Rocket Scientist said:
You've inspired me. Clearly, I must make a model Bill and Bob and launch them the next time I go to that site.

Just be sure to show them to me! I think I'll have my GoPro rocket and the soccer field (please don't ask) on any given launch day, both of which are pretty distinct.

You asked about the soccer field? Here's the link... http://www.rocketryforum.com/showthread.php?57685-Soccer-Field-Build-Thread ...but it's not for the faint of heart.

  Armchair Rocket Scientist said:
On an unrelated note, the lake looks so much closer from 1500 feet. It makes me amazed that I've never seen a rocket land in there yet.

Over this winter, a rocket landed on the (then-frozen) lake and a guy went out to get it... the ice actually loudly cracked beneath him but he made it back safely. Pretty scary. The biggest threat, though, is the little stand of trees by the creek. Those nasty, stinkin' rocket-eating trees!

Great to see another model rocketeer on the forum. :)

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Very nice video! I got into model rocketry some time back for my girls, and they love it. I'm currently flying a D-Region Tomahawk (Level 1), but two of my girls want to move up to something bigger. :)

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