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Kerbal Knowledge is Kerbal Power


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KSP has taught me a lot. And boy do I mean a lot. I don't even think I can list what it's taught me, whether it's directly or indirectly. For example, it's taught me not only about the physics and calculations behind space travel, but also how to research properly. Possibly as importantly, it's taught me how to read and use those little formulas in physics (such as gravitational constant etc.), how something acts relative to its centre of gravity/lift, etc.. Indirectly, for example through Scott Manley, it's taught me about Greek mythology, life in space, orbital mechanics, how to edit save files (for a good cause, of course, no cheating here). Through KurtJMac I've learnt about constellations, geosynchronous orbits, etc.

So tell me, how do you rate Kerbal Space Program's educational value and its uses in any kind of situation? Has it made things easier for you to understand in everyday life? What's the strangest/most unexpected thing you learned about through KSP either directly or indirectly?

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