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Save My Kerbals!

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Hi all,

This is my first post to this forum and i am quite new to this game. I have been happily plumbing (some might say raping) space for science in my first game of KSP when i finally decided that it was time to put a kerbal on the Mun. All was going spectacularly until landing. I had not tested the amount of force that the shock absorbers on my landing gear would take and had promptly stranded young Jebediah on the Mun with perfectly intact lander bar the 'sploded thruster...

No problems thought I, a rescue mission can be launched to save the promising kerbalnaut. So a rescue mission promptly was. But due to some navigational issues during launch and a less than optimal Mun entry vector, not enough fuel was left to escape the Muns pull and escape back to Kerbin. Thats fine, i'll send another, but this time i will make it an unmanned mission so as not to leave stranded any more poor kerbals... All went well, the mission was timed so as to require the minimum of fuel to get to the moon. The entry angle was good so i didnt need to waste alot of thrust to land safely. I now even knew the speed at which i could land without destroying my thruster. With both stranded kerbals safely aboard i proceeded to head back to Kerbin. Almost. With all the extra fuel i had i thought "Hell, why dont i go and explore a bit of the Mun's surface?" and so i did, and used most of my remaining fuel. But it was fine, when i was done i plotted a course back to Kerbin and off we went.

As i frequently do through a mission, i quicksaved not far from entering Kerbals atmosphere. At this point i made a shocking realisation. I had no parachutes on my lander.... Not only did i have no parachutes, i had also wasted most of my surplus fuel exploring the Mun.

I now have a craft with two crew plummeting toward Kerbin at great speed with no way to land safely.


Load up my quicksave and work out a way to save my two beloved kerbals. Upload a video to youtube or provide a screenshot slideshow to show your sucessful rescue mission.


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I tried to get the ship over land hoping it might survive the crash but on multiple attempts I once undershot by 50 m and once overshot by 50 m and then I lost my will to try again (the reachable strip of land is quite narrow). It involved "get out and push" anyway, but I did not need to use more than two.

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I tried to get the ship over land hoping it might survive the crash but on multiple attempts I once undershot by 50 m and once overshot by 50 m and then I lost my will to try again (the reachable strip of land is quite narrow). It involved "get out and push" anyway, but I did not need to use more than two.

Wow. The fact that you got within 50m using GOAP is pretty awesome. I didn't even try to lithobrake.

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