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Eve Kethan aircraft having problems with fling them

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I am trying to build a simple vtol aircraft that can reliably fly on eve. The only mods I am using are MechJeb and the kethane mod so I assumed that I would be able to use a kerbin designed aircraft and use the zero bypass kethane engines on eve. However I have ran into a few problems .

First I do believe my designs are flawed but I am having a problem correcting it on several accounts.

First any kethane desinge aircraft using the zero bypass turbines will not show the center of gravity. It blips for a second then it disappears. so I have been guessing where to place the vtol engins but I managed to get 3 designs to fly ( using the infinite fuel cheat ) on kerbin

however on eve I am running into problems.

First the zero bypass turbines overheat and explode ( usually the Vtols ) when ran at 100% they do fine at 95 % but 100% will blow them up.

Second I placed my aircraft on a transfer rocket and fueled them with kethane in orbit, then sent them to eve, when I deorbit them the zero bypass turbins will not function until the crafts lands on the surface. I tried running them at 20k, 10k 5k and 1K and they wont function unless I use the infinite fuel cheat. and I really don't understand why.

3rd all of my aircraft, simple will not fly reliably, they seem bottom heavy as if they don't have enough lift from the wings, I have to point them at 75 degrees nose up to get lift even with the Vtols on and they are not stable in flight. I understand the atmosphere creates more drag but I don't understand where I am going wrong, I even took a stock aircraft the areas 3a and converted it ot kethane and while it will fly on kerbin I cannot get it into a stable flight on eve

so is it just a buggy modd, or is there something I am missing.


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Check out this thread for pics of a few different Eve Kethane powered planes:


The center of gravity problem you're having sounds like a bug, maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling kethane?

The overheating problem is just one of the things you'll have to deal with when using the ZB-turbine. Once you pick up speed and altitude you'll be able to go to 100%

The problem with the engines not working till you land is probably due to the lack of "Kintake air". Open up the resource bar and don't try to use the engines until you have Kintake air. On my runs I was able to use the engines once I got to around 8-9km up, but I was using FAR so I'm not sure if/how that changes things.

As for your balance issues, it's hard to guess without seeing at least a pic of what you're trying to fly.

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