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3.5 ton Orbiter

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Okay, it IS a bit airhoggy, but have you ever had one of those moments where you just want to quickly get a kerbal to a station? Well this is for you. Pulls 5 gees near launch, so it's quite fast ascent.

Stats in VAB

Cgi677u.jpg Liftoff! lFYuWk8.jpg Gravity turn CfSgsoW.jpg Gasping for air 2oqf0hz.jpgjZAquLm.jpg Sepera- FUEL KRAKEN! vcQYJFt.png I blame the kraken. yLI9rak.png Using RCS to finish S61U6DS.jpg Time to go home. You have about a third of fuel remaining in orbit, enough to dock and return. dqH4CKL.pngtJKfLgG.jpgmZbvzGs.png Landing thrusters IryOqIY.png

Flying instructions: Fly it like a normal rocket but more of a atmosphery graviity turn, and reduce thrust when flameout.

DL: https://mega.co.nz/#!L0ggwKia!iUmph0B_atmjPuhAafrTVyRWxqwGBeaz7GlWOFkwILQ

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