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[1.2.2](Dec10/16) Action Groups Extended: 250 Action Groups, in-flight editing. Now kOS/RemoteTech


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Okay, I see several errors in the log showing that this mod is not saving.

AGX Save Group Names FAIL! (SaveGroupNames)

The keyset and visibility are not saving either, but it sounds like you are not using those features.

Also, that output_log.txt has a couple odd things in it.

First, Exoplanetary Launchpads has a problem, it is spamming a nullref error every Update frame.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ExLP.ExWorkshop.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

If the Update code stops running there, that may cascade to this mod as my own Update code can't run.

Also, something weird is going on with PartModules. The log is full of

Attempting to replace PartModule 'ModuleAGExtData' with 'ExWorkshop'

The example I linked is my the partModule for my action group mod being replaced with the ExWorkshop partModule, but it seems to be random partModules from your installed mods being swapped around.

TAC, Insterstellar, FAR, and ModuleLogger partmodules are all being swapped around by this. I'm going to have to investigate what is going on with this, I don't recognize that error or what may be causing it.

If this means the partmodule is being moved around and my mod can't find it to save, that would explain what you are seeing.

I've got an update in progress for some UI stuff, I'll add fixing this to the list.


edit: It looks like the Attempting to Replace part module is a Squad thing added in 0.24 to deal with partModules being out of order in the part file.

The ship that had this issue, is it a fresh build or one you started in 23.5 and imported and worked on?

I'll run some experiments on my end and see if I can come up with a workaround.

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Along with all those nullrefs I'm also getting locked out of my "1" key. 2 through 0 works fine. It's just the 1.

I'm digging into what is going on and my current guess is that Squad has changed how partmodules work slightly in 0.24 and I'll need to adjust my save/load routines to compensate.

I'll have time to investigate further tonight and hopefully it turns out to be a straightforward fix.

On the number key specifically, the flight window does say that the bound key to action group 1 is in fact "Alpha1" correct?


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One thing I am trying to do with this mod is make assigned actions to different vessels for different purposes straightforward.


So, how does the mod work for you? As expected, is it functional, something missing? Regardless, please let me know.


Too complex. I've tried using this mod several times and always end up deleting it because I can't figure out how to assign keys, or if I do, then how to recall those settings to use them.

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@Gristle: Was your most recent try on 0.24?

KSP has done something to partmodules that is currently causing me problems in saving/loading data.

I'm hoping to have a fix out tonight or tomorrow that will fix this issue, and hopefully help with the confusion you are having trying to figure out how things work. (I'm assuming you are trying to make changes that are not saving which leads to what you are currently seeing.)


edit: Updated first post to indicate mod is not truly 0.24 compatible.

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Version 1.9 should be fine in KSP 0.23.5

The changes I made from 1.8b to 1.9 were pretty minor and should not be an issue.

If it is a big deal, Version 1.8b is still on my GitHub releases page and that will work. (It is incorrectly labeled as Version 1.18b, I made a typo.)


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Version 1.10 Release

Further tweaks for KSP 0.24 compatibility

Lock down GUI so settings from other mods can not bleed over and mess my window layout up.

Add detailed logging to assist with tracking down the mod not saving data.

@JefferyCor: I was not able to replicate your error. It sounds like you can replicate it reasonably easily. Can you please download this version and then give me an output_log.txt where the error happens? I would greatly appreciate it.

Also, has this worked previously with SmartParts or is this combination something new you are trying since 0.24?

Anyone else who tries this and does not have the data save, please do the same. The more data I can get to try this the better.


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IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "N:\Games\KerbalSpaceProgram_024\GameData\Diazo\AGExt\ButtonTexture.png".
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXEditor.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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IsolatedStorageException: Could not find file "N:\Games\KerbalSpaceProgram_024\GameData\Diazo\AGExt\ButtonTexture.png".
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.File.OpenRead (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes (System.String path) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXEditor.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

That means that the files are in the wrong location.

When you open the .zip file, the GameData directory in there should be merged with the KSP-Install\GameData directory.

The exact files should be:




KSP-Install\GameData\Diazo\AGExt\ButtonTextureGreen.png <-- should be .png, forum is adding a space I can not remove.




KSP-Install\GameData\ModuleManager2.2.0.dll <--Note this file is in GameData and can be any version that is 2.0 or newer, this is specific file I bundle in the .zip

The error means that at the very least ButtonTexture.png is not located there. Note that some of the other files may be missing, once that error happens once it hides any further errors of the same type.


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FFS, uploaded the wrong file.

Github should now have a Version110Fixed.zip file

Sorry about that, I run multiple KSP installs for different dev environments, usually I run one last double check test in my no-mod environment before uploading, this time I did it in my mod environment with smart parts installed to try and fix it for JefferyCor and I got things screwed up.

The .zip file on my local computer I checked in the no-mod install when you first posted had the .png files, but I went and uploaded the .zip file from the mod install which was missing them. (I made the smart parts copy earlier this evening to specifically look at that issue so it had a copy of the distribution .zip that was still in progress.)

Again, sorry about that.


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Sorry to hear that error I had reported contributed to messing things up :( I was coming to report a graphics problem which this fix you just did will likely fix, and that so far the saving of action group functions is working correctly. I'll continue testing of course but so far so good. :)

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Sorry to hear that error I had reported contributed to messing things up :( I do have some good news though at least and saves seem to be working fine now and an additional problem that I did have and was going to report is also fixed as well. :)

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@JeffreyCor: It was more it was getting late and I wanted to get the release out before bed. So I was tired, rushing, etc....

Anyway, on the fixing of the error, I did do a rather major change to the GUI code to protect it from bleed over from other mods.

There is command/calculation code, notably on button clicks, mixed in with the GUI stuff so maybe the bleed-over from other mods was causing an error on my end by screwing up the GUI so the command/calculation code attached to it never ran?

If it's fixed I'm going to say great and move on. If it happens again, toss me the output_log and the more detailed logging I put in place should tell me exactly what is going on.


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When I try to set keybindings to joystick buttons, it sets the binding to the same coordinate button for the keyboard.

I'm running Win 8.1 64 bit.

Say I want to assign something to Joystick1Button17, in your menu it is in the second column, third row. When I click this button, it sets the key to "at" (the key at 2,3 in the other list of buttons)

As a result I cannot assign groups to joystick keys, which is rather dissappointing as this was the main appeal of this mod for me.

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Thanks for looking at it. I do have a fair number of mods, but my guess as to how you implemented the gui told me it was probably just a missed variable with you made the changes.

If you don't see what's causing the problem I'll look through and see if it is in fact some incompatibility, but I kinda doubt it is.

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@Gristle: Was your most recent try on 0.24?

KSP has done something to partmodules that is currently causing me problems in saving/loading data.

I'm hoping to have a fix out tonight or tomorrow that will fix this issue, and hopefully help with the confusion you are having trying to figure out how things work. (I'm assuming you are trying to make changes that are not saving which leads to what you are currently seeing.)


edit: Updated first post to indicate mod is not truly 0.24 compatible.

Yes .24 x64 - I'll give it another go tonight.

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An updated .dll file that handles Joystick Buttons correctly can be found here.

Note I've also added a "button test" field that will display which joystick button is being pressed so you can easily figure out which button is which.

I still want to look into a couple other issues, including the KeySet issue and the issue with DMagics part's not being recognized, before I make the next official release.


edit: Issue with DMagics stuff confirmed, investigating.

edit2: Issue with DMagics stuff should now be resolved. Link above goes to a new .dll with this change.

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