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Should carriers go first or by standard order  

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  1. 1. Should carriers go first or by standard order

    • Standard order
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I guess I'm the one to submit my fleet first. So the rules will be:

-Body: Dres

-Special rules/rule exclusions: no leaving SOI, mechjeb allowed (if you have it)

-Maximum number of craft: 4

-Maximum total mass: 160t

-Use of K-drive: no

Tarzan Space Company vs Britannia Weaponry

Tarzan SC have deployed its 1st Dres Fleet "Jungle" on the orbit around Dres and now awaits for a clash. The fleet is as follows:

1x Chelon-class destroyer mk3 on the orbit at 2Mm above Dres


TSCS Baloo - flagship

1x Barracuda-class corvette mk3 on the orbit at 10Mm above Dres


TSCS Bagheera

2x Piranha-class heavy fighter mk2 on the orbit at 5Mm above Dres


TSC Jungle lead and TSC Jungle one


Edited by Tarzan
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Well, this is the "Jungle" fleet so I don't know what other color could I use

EDIT: but actually I forgot that you use similar paint scheme (only green is brighter on your ships). I will change that for next battle

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Well, this is the "Jungle" fleet so I don't know what other color could I use

EDIT: but actually I forgot that you use similar paint scheme (only green is brighter on your ships). I will change that for next battle

You don't have to change your colours. Britannia uses lime green. I used to use neon green and black. Now I use emerald green, steel grey, and silver, with crimson highlights.

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Here's my fleet, two 'Dracos' and a 'Caesius'

The first draco attacks the TSCS Bagheera with four i-beams doing little damage, then Jebs collection of space krakens falls off of the shelf in the Draco and destroys the craft randomly (seriously the kraken attacked my ship while i was attacking and rendered it just a debris field around Dres)

Very crappy picture of my fleet.


After kraken strike (i didnt get a chance to take a picture of my turn, if you'd like i can reload the persist and take it a again)




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Sure, hyperedit is fine, I also used it. You can redo your move, it would be a really short battle if you wouldn't :D also, those 3 ships make the whole 160t or you just didn't want to place more? (I'm not in home right now so I can't check myself, I will be in 20-30 minutes)

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If you put the mechjeb part on a ship it will show you the weight if you click "vessel info" (or something similar). You can do it even in SPH/VAB and remove the part later if you don't want it. Waiting for your re-move

EDIT: actually, you managed to damage "Bagheera" pretty much as half of the ship's insides is gone, including main engine and more than a half of missiles, but it still has a few and also secondary engines (used for manuveuring but they will do) so it's still operational. Also, your ships are 37,3t (Caesius) and 17,25t (each Draco).

My offer for re-moving is still present, you might also want to place some more/another ships (as your's don't make even half of the mass count) but it's not obligatory. But please don't plase them all in one spot as it increases lag

Edited by Tarzan
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Actually, this is all what is left after Baloo


My move:

Jungle lead decided to engage on one of Dracos (the one on orbit)

Setting up an intercept


After first salvo of I-beams


Draco was damaged but I didn't know how much and wanted to be sure so I fired a second salvo

Then I proceeded to examine damages


This is all what is left after the Draco. Pilot survived, you might want to give him a lift after the battle.


P.S. yes, I know, I'll try to make more screenshots on my next move

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I attacked the Bagheera, and i have to say it's armour is strong, but it was reduced to rubble after i fired the SRB straight into it's hull.


After two I-Beams into the hull the Bagheera seemed untroubled, but after being hit by an SRB, It needed a bit more than a few new panels to repair. However, the caesius had slurped up the last of it's fuel, it was now a sitting duck.




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Actually, "Bagheera" is operational but doesn't have any missiles left.


So i proceeded to land with "Jungle one"


Getting closer...


On the ground


After the first salvo


Actually I shot everything I had. In daylight


Examining damage


I don't think it will be able to start


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Actually, those missiles from "Bagheera" are also operational, but no, I think it's against the rules


5-Weapons can only be fired from the original ship core and must be used within the the same turn that they are fired.
Edited by Tarzan
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Okay, forget the last post, I'm out. 'Caesius' fired a last, defiant salvo into the abyss, rendering it unable to move or fire weapons. She was still intact though and towed tediously back to LKO where she was deorbited and landed, she will be back on the frontline soon but for now victory goes to Tarzan SC, congratulations. :)


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Thanks :) I won by inches to be fair and I had one ship more (and almost twice your weight) so I wouldn't call it a big victory. I have to learn a lot and I think this is the best way. Really good game, megalodon

So, anybody willing to make another small battle?

Edited by Tarzan
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Thanks, i will probably use probe cores more often now, i saw that none of your ships had any crew which, now that i think about it, isn't a bad idea. Also should i delete the save now that the battle is over?

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Can i still use missiles from my ship even if the original core is detached? One of the missile pods from the orbiting draco has enough fuel to reach Jungle Leader.

Oh right nevermind.

No but u can reload from them

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