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I'm a little worried about the future of this game...


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the fact of the matter is, this game is NOT near its final released state, as in there is a TON of features NOT HERE that STILL need to be developed.

Small note of warning on this. You will never know when the developers say they are done with it. They could release 0.24 as "Final" (and I would be fine with that, still awesome) Or they could go all the way to 0.99.

I used to play a lot of Terraria for example, which received a steady stream of updates at that time. And all of a sudden, the developers post. "We're done with it. This is it". Still a great game, but lots of things they wanted to add never made it.

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Small note of warning on this. You will never know when the developers say they are done with it. They could release 0.24 as "Final" (and I would be fine with that, still awesome) Or they could go all the way to 0.99.

I used to play a lot of Terraria for example, which received a steady stream of updates at that time. And all of a sudden, the developers post. "We're done with it. This is it". Still a great game, but lots of things they wanted to add never made it.

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Actually modders are more "caged" than developers. Only Kragrathea was able to create planets and even this was hard for him to do. Developers add planets with no t even a droplet of sweat. They added procedurally generated asteroids and no one evn thought to do this, or at least had ability to. How can modders be able to edit the same amount of game as developers themselves?

Well Krag created planet factory, to people add planets easily, but you can't actually make your own atmosphere colour or water colour.

Edited by cziken20
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dude, CHILL. I hate to backseat moderate as that upsets the Vanamonde <hides from Vanamonde> but, the fact of the matter is, this game is NOT near its final released state, as in there is a TON of features NOT HERE that STILL need to be developed. Unity is the engine they are working with <either by choice or for fiscal reasons, what the reason is, if not either those, is SQUADS business, not ours> and the UNITY devs are working hard to make a windows stable 64 bit supported Unity, as soon as its available, Squad will switch to it. They said so themselves. NOW, with that said: This is SQUADS FIRST FREAKING GAME EVER. They are NOT a game studio by trade, from what I read, they are actually an advertising support company <set ups, and so forth> it was Squads desire to KEEP Felipe that they let him run with KSP, KSP is NOT Squads PRIMARY FREAKING PROJECT.

That was my point, what's the difference between .24 and just calling it 1.0? It seems to me like as long as they avoid a 1.0 release they can always use the beta tag as an excuse for anything.

What you said about unity doesn't change the fact that it's dragging this game down at this point. I hope they do go 64 bit and soon, but until they do it's a major issue.

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Unity has perfectly good 64 bit support. You just need to use a better operating system than Windows ;)

Oh yes, because Linux is a perfect platform for everything - windows does literally nothing better!

Oh wait - no.

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That was my point, what's the difference between .24 and just calling it 1.0? It seems to me like as long as they avoid a 1.0 release they can always use the beta tag as an excuse for anything.

What you said about unity doesn't change the fact that it's dragging this game down at this point. I hope they do go 64 bit and soon, but until they do it's a major issue.

It's not their fault that Unity offers poor 64bit support for windows! Stop complaining, it's out of their hands. There are thousands of games built with unity, and KSP is not the biggest nor the most influential.

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That was my point, what's the difference between .24 and just calling it 1.0? It seems to me like as long as they avoid a 1.0 release they can always use the beta tag as an excuse for anything.

What you said about unity doesn't change the fact that it's dragging this game down at this point. I hope they do go 64 bit and soon, but until they do it's a major issue.

1.0 is feature complete. 0.24 has about half the features, but also half the bug squashing needed to make it 1.0. If the developers decide not to add other things later, we will see a jump to 0.9 then after bug testing 1.0. For now they are happy with progress and still want to add additional mission and design tools/gameplay which will add to the game.

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It's not their fault that Unity offers poor 64bit support for windows! Stop complaining

I'd give you a cookie if I could.

Having worked with Unity myself, all I can say is. I hate it!

KSP would likely be a far more stable and faster running game if it were on almost any other engine to be honest. The devs know Unity and so they decided to work with it, simple as that. There's always going to be a few people that moan about how they're not doing enough on the engine side or about how they should just go ahead and release the game at 1.0 already.

What a lot of these people don't get is that if Squad were to listen to these whiners, we'd have a much smaller game than if we were to let Squad go on with this brilliant development plan they've got going. Sure, there's going to be bugs but early access isn't an excuse for lots of bugs. It's a plan to make money while you develop rather than at the end of a very long period where there is no real guarantee that you CAN sell it.

Early access has done a lot for game development but there's always going to be whiners.

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