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Split the 'release pivot' action into two actions

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I know that it is a suggestion for something that doesn't exist yet (at least for me), but it's never to early to suggest idea, isn't it ?

For what we can see in several preview video, the claw have a toggle that allows it to pivot.

It is used to align with the asteroid center of mass

The suggestion is to differentiate rotation and pivot toggle.

Because English is not my main language (obviously), what I mean is :

- rotation : action to turn around itself without changing angle

- pivot : action to change angle without rotating around itself.

Suggestion is to be able to create :

- a huge wheel station that rotate anchored to a class E asteroid.

- a helicopter with an asteroid as a main body. (Because building a plane is just to obvious).

- a %$£ùµ£ù£$* monster truck with asteroids as wheel ! *action done by someone who do love his/her mother a bit too much

And of course a lot of other big stuff that I don't think of yet.

Edit : cleaning and trashing some unnecessary word (to much of them, not enough clarity)

Edited by Minarkhaios
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Your post is hard to read, you should edit it to clarify your suggestion a bit.

It seems like your talking about the Claw itself, which itself isn't released yet. Talking about something vague, and not playable, makes this post hard to respond to.

I sort of get what you are trying to say. I also feel the Claw should just be a starting point of newer parts, namely pivoting and rotating parts. Forcing the Claw to be all of these at the same time creates balance and coding issues.

The biggest problem with the claw is it doesn't seem like it can start open. So you can't start with the claw attached to something. So your monster truck would start with no wheels attached. You would have to go grab the wheels once the ships is on the pad. This is really limiting and will limit what the claw can do.

Hopefully the Dev's bring in moving parts, something as simple as a movable joint can create massive changes in the games dynamic. It also will bring new problems but pivot points can really be a big update by themselves.

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  MKI said:
...The biggest problem with the claw is it doesn't seem like it can start open. So you can't start with the claw attached to something. So your monster truck would start with no wheels attached. You would have to go grab the wheels once the ships is on the pad. This is really limiting and will limit what the claw can do...

I was planning on using asteroid as wheels, so indeed, I have to grab them first.

Edit : I have edited the first post, is it clearer now ?

Edited by Minarkhaios
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