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This incredible SV cut-away needs a higher resolution. ( warning large image )


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I found this while looking up cut swayed for my replica build and was blown away by the detail. But sadly I cannot read most of the captions. Id pay money for q high resolution version of this. Is there a poster I can buy? Or better yet a wall vinyl o.O


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Why can't you see the capitations? Are you sure you waited till it completely loaded?

Have you tried zooming in(ctrl+mousewheel)?

It could use some color, contrast and brightness correction, maybe some upscaling and some sharpening.

Even without that this could make a nice door sized poster.

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I can read all of the captions pretty easily. It's 2000x6000 resolution, so it should print quite nicely. Try looking at it in a graphics program.

I agree, it's quite an amazing illustration, very detailed, yet very layman-oriented. Nice find!

Edited by Nibb31
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