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The Orion Station - Mission Report - Success


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So the orion station was my first station orbiting kerbin, And my only one. I will be using stations around all planets just incase we ever fail to calculate the fuel or we just run out because i accidently do a burn wrong and i have to do it again lol.

But yeah, Here's a picture of it finally in space after tons of failed tests No kerbals we're hurt in the making of this mission... Just Yet.


So now then, I shall write the story behind the Orion Station.

The station first started out in my brain, An idea!

So i built the design off of a picture of a real life station that looked like what the orion station did in my brain, It really helps me when i look at a picture for reference when drawing or building.

So once it was complete i created test 1 with 3 kerbals.

I launched it and we almost made it to my target goal, High Kerbin Orbit.

Then it started overheating and it got so overheated while i was trying to turn down the engines that one of the fuel tanks exploded. Then from one of them exploding we started loosing speed and there went another one because we ended up hitting the fuel tank that exploded off of the ship so the debris from that made another explosion so i reacted fast and had no choice but to ditch all the exploding parts, By staging! Gladly my quick instincts saved the 3 brave kerbals, Only 2 of them frowned.

So i looked at my design and made a new arrangement of the fuel tanks, Instead of big jumbo fuel tanks, Smaller white ones but a few of them.

So test 2 was launched, My goal the same. Except with a little 2nd objective, Don't get killed.

So there we went everything went great, Until then... I didn't put enough fuel tanks so i ran out and when i staged the fuel tanks hit eachother some how and blew me up...

So i fixed it, And test 3 was a success. So there we go.

That test was how it got to orbit. :)

Hope you enjoyed!

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