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Possible(?) Add-on: Walking Autopilot

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The other day, for a Let's Play I'm doing on the Bay 12 Games forums, I had to walk a kerbonaut 30 kilometers over Minmus. ("Why not use an EVA pack?" I did. When I finished rolling, I was 30 kilometers away.) When discussing this turn of events, someone (username Vattic, if anyone cares) mentioned that he was, quote, "surprised MechJeb doesn't have a walking autopilot." While this probably wouldn't be a job for MechJeb, it is something that it makes sense for someone to do. At the minimum, there would be a button that makes the Kerbal walk in a straight line (as though 'w' was being held down), but the ability to set in coordinates or--better yet--a target for the kerbal to walk to would be nice.

Does anyone with sufficient programming knowledge feel like attempting this?

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I'd also like a click-to-move for Kerbals on the surface. I don't think it would work for flying kerbals. In the mean time, it's only a work around, but there are many external programs that can hold down a button for you. For example, I have used

AutoTyper to make a Kerbal walk back to his pod while I go off to make dinner. You can configure it to match a keypress, for example, making Winkey+F8 hold down the W.

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