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Kickstarter: Slower Than Light

Mazon Del

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Greetings all!

A friend of mine has recently posted a kickstarter for a game that may interest some of you.


The game is called Slower Than Light, and the premise is that starting off on Earth in the solar system, humans are expanding out into the local galaxy. However, we have no FTL engines and no FTL communications. Everything happens at light speed or slower.

In the early game while you are in the solar system, most things happen relatively quickly because it is all close by, orders only take 'hours' instead of 'years' to get anywhere. As you begin to colonize outside the solar system though, the main point of the game comes to the front.

Your ships will be traveling from Earth to some other star, as they get further and further away communications lag gets longer and longer. Eventually the ship in question may actually leave your ability to communicate with, in which case it will proceed on its mission to the best of its abilities without your input. Maybe it succesfully reaches the target star and colonizes, in which case several hundred years later it may have developed a society advanced enough to build a large enough communications system to re-establish contact with Earth. Or conversely, they could slam right into the planet and die, leaving you to forever wonder what happened to the poor citizens of the USS Roanoke.

There is more to the game, but Brewer does a pretty good job of talking about it in his videos and is quite responsive to questions asked to him via the messaging system at Kickstarter.

Go check it out!

Mazon Del

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Indeed  I really want to spread this to some friends. Not... sure if they will be enticed by a video showing just the concepts of the game though. They're not hugely into relativity and realistic SF for its own sake. Going to wait for more gameplay videos. What do you think?

Incidentally, a most excellent user name you have there, if it is referring to the book by the same name. ^^

Thank you! Hopeful virtual poop deck scrubber of the Field Circus reporting for duty!

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