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For those willing to accept this mission, what lies ahead will be a grueling and precise task. I'd advise you now to turn away from this mission if you are faint of accuracy. In this post, "1 pixel" refers to "1 light".

So we all know that the coming update brings us pretty lights. We can sit there and play around with the things all day and have fancy streetlamps, colour indicators, enormous galleries, etc., but who dares to go one step further? I'm talking big. Real big. This challenge will involve making a low-resolution screen at the space centre for all of Kerbalkind to awe at and be inspired by. KSTV - Kerbal Space Television. This will be something huge. Of course, this cannot happen until the new update is out. Until them, using the lights as just their current default colour will do.Here are the rules:

  1. Any light can be used (square or round).
  2. Screen must be mobile.
  3. Screen must be sustainable (won't run out of electricity).
  4. No engines, no fuel, and no RCS.
  5. SAS is allowed in whatever amount.
  6. Pixels must be displayed onto a flat surface that is part of the craft.
  7. Must use pixel art (the post must state what the pixel art depicts).

Part count is an issue here, of course. With each light making up one pixel, you'll quickly reach 100 parts. Which is why I propose pixel art. A huge board using pixel art, of whatever you want, which you will screenshot and post here. You must state:

  1. The number of pixels on the screen.
  2. The resolution, counting each light as one pixel. Measure this as pixels per inch (ppi).
  3. The screen size in meters. For the sake of this post, one small square panel is 1m². Please post this as both length by width and corner to corner (you know pythagoras' theorum, yes?)

A record holder will be displayed below for each of the above achievements:


The update has been released, race is on. Let me know if I missed anything or if anything is unclear.

Edited by Shna_na
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