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[1.02] Vertical Propulsion Emporium. v0.22b (10th may 2015)


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http://www.crabfu.com/steamtoys/diy_steampunk/ you might enjoy this. I feel like this pack emphasizes too much the browns and brass colors, which, while still a major part of steampunk, is supposed to be augmented by grey metals such as steel, with plenty of victorian design features and designs.

Also, implementing this plugin would be awesome!

Edited by GregroxMun
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  GregroxMun said:
http://www.crabfu.com/steamtoys/diy_steampunk/ you might enjoy this. I feel like this pack emphasizes too much the browns and brass colors, which, while still a major part of steampunk, is supposed to be augmented by grey metals such as steel, with plenty of victorian design features and designs.

Also, implementing this plugin would be awesome!

I found crabfu.com a few days ago when you first mentioned it, and i quite like the ideas there, however I really dont want to plagiarise others work...

The parts im making are evolving over time, The color palette is evolving also. I am developing more industrial and victorian looking parts, they will come out eventually :D

I am trying to keep memory usage as low as possible and the reflective textures would bring most peoples pc's to their knees, saying that i might design an alternate version with higher res textures etc for those who choose to try it.

I do appreciate the feedback :cool: and will take ideas on board and hopefully incorporate them.

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I just wanted to say your mod is awesome, i was using it when i did my unprofessional ksp review video (wont link that here as thats to be a whole 'nother thread) as the ships made with it look so much nicer then stock. I am a bit of a steam punk fan as well so may be bias.

I also love that you have your own fuel sources ...it just adds that little something.

Thank you for making this


can you support this plugin in your mod ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything%21-%28Version-1-20-Updated-2014-06-12-22-15-UTC%29 ?

Edited by mrgreaper
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  mrgreaper said:
I just wanted to say your mod is awesome, i was using it when i did my unprofessional ksp review video (wont link that here as thats to be a whole 'nother thread) as the ships made with it look so much nicer then stock. I am a bit of a steam punk fan as well so may be bias.

I also love that you have your own fuel sources ...it just adds that little something.

Thank you for making this


can you support this plugin in your mod ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything%21-%28Version-1-20-Updated-2014-06-12-22-15-UTC%29 ?

Hi, thanks for the encouragement :D, I will look into tweakscale and see what happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  GregroxMun said:
I HATE tweakscale. It doesn't make sense that you could just magically rescale parts. I don't even care for procedural parts either. PLEASE do not go down that path, Kerbfu.

I imagine that it is the engineers taking the blueprint of a part then making a smaller version. Sort of like seeing a plane and making a smaller RC version of said plane. Plus with tweakscale if you don't want to change the part's size you can simply not change the size.

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I am currently seeking inspiration for more parts so tweaking the size is on the backburner for a while, and i allready have a few mod dependencies for some parts, but we shall see what happens

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That's... astonishing! Marvellous! Simply fantastic! You know you put me on a tight spot, don't you? I mean, I'm a mod addict, I already run KSP almost at the RAM limit... but... something got to get out! Your mod is a MUST HAVE.

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  BadLeo said:
That's... astonishing! Marvellous! Simply fantastic! You know you put me on a tight spot, don't you? I mean, I'm a mod addict, I already run KSP almost at the RAM limit... but... something got to get out! Your mod is a MUST HAVE.

Thankyou sir, I will pass on your kind words to the good professor :)

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  Kerb-fu said:
I am currently seeking inspiration for more parts so tweaking the size is on the backburner for a while, and i allready have a few mod dependencies for some parts, but we shall see what happens

Actually, I was about to try combining the Emporium with Remote Tech and therefore went on a hunt for a parabolic antenna with the appropiate number of cogs, wheels and copper tubings :-)

Now thinking a bit more about this, I imagine floating stations in space, with mutton-chopped gentlemen passing along some morse coded telemetry from Mun to Her Majesties Space Exploration and Exploitation Centre. Unless it is tea time, then those darned telegrams can wait until a civilized man enjoys his tea!

Edited by hakan
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Even more actually, thinking even more about it, the comic "Ministry of Space" might give a few good ideas:


There are even a few pages available on Google:


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  BadLeo said:
That's... astonishing! Marvellous! Simply fantastic! You know you put me on a tight spot, don't you? I mean, I'm a mod addict, I already run KSP almost at the RAM limit... but... something got to get out! Your mod is a MUST HAVE.

Best thing is probably to make a new install just for steampunk. KSP does not care how many installs you have as it has no registry entries, Just copy your install to somewhere else, delete all the mods and install steampunk. I have four installations, steampunk, FASA, 23.5 and ARM.

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  benzman said:
Best thing is probably to make a new install just for steampunk. KSP does not care how many installs you have as it has no registry entries, Just copy your install to somewhere else, delete all the mods and install steampunk. I have four installations, steampunk, FASA, 23.5 and ARM.

Yap I ended up doing this, but there's a lot of mods I like to use always. But it was just a matter of copying/pasting, anyways. xD

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  hakan said:
Actually, I was about to try combining the Emporium with Remote Tech and therefore went on a hunt for a parabolic antenna with the appropiate number of cogs, wheels and copper tubings :-)

Now thinking a bit more about this, I imagine floating stations in space, with mutton-chopped gentlemen passing along some morse coded telemetry from Mun to Her Majesties Space Exploration and Exploitation Centre. Unless it is tea time, then those darned telegrams can wait until a civilized man enjoys his tea!

And wait they shall... for tea is upon us !!! :D

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  hakan said:
Even more actually, thinking even more about it, the comic "Ministry of Space" might give a few good ideas:


There are even a few pages available on Google:


I see that I will have to purchase a copy of this interesting manuscript. who knows what scientific discoveries await within.

We can put it the lunchroom where our engineers can peruse it during their breaks from dodging exploding boilers and munshine stills.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  benzman said:
I keep imagining a space station made of wood and cast iron, equipped with one of Mr Babbage's difference engines, and the crew dressed in frock coats and stovepipe hats!

Got a few ideas for station parts. And some better interiors are coming ....

Post any pics or ideas you like too please :wink:

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  The Flying Barrel said:
Just downloaded the mod, its great! One question, how do I get my kerbal on the jetpack?

well, its complicated, but here goes...

1... make sure you have the mods KAS and Kerbolquest

2... attach pack radially on ship with clear access

3... approach pack with intrepid kerbonaut, and right-click on pack and select equip

4... have RCS and SAS on

5... Turn throttle all the way off for safety (whats safety you ask?)....

6... right-click pack and select activate engine

7... if in gravity throttle up to approx 50% (if outside gravity, wait untill floated clear of vessel and use less throttle)

8... right-click pack and select decouple

9... fly

10... crash

11... win!!!

Disclaimer: I just flew it 5 minutes ago on ver 0.24.2 and it worked ok, however I understand KAS does not support 0.24.2, i downloaded a version from the KAS forum that worked for me in this situation.

edit: its probably a good idea to right-click and select control from here, so that navigation is simplified.....

Edited by Kerb-fu
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