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The ARM SpaceShuttle

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Your Goal is to create a Space Shuttle, that can launch from the launchpad, and redirect an asteroid, and then land on the runway.


  1. No Mods(exclusions are mods that ONLY provide flight data.)
  2. Asteroid must be put into an equitorial orbit below 200km.(Points given for lower heights)
  3. One screenshot for launch, orbit, Orbital height, re-entry, runway landing and VAB shot. Three Screenshots for both rendevous and asteroid capture
  4. Part clipping is ALLOWED, all other debug menu options are BANNED

Important and Useful notes

  • The creator of the challenge reserves the right to disqualify anyone for any reason.
  • Points will be deducted if any rules are broken

Point System

Bonus points will be given for ingenious problem solving at my discretion

200Km-150km=200 points

150Km-100Km=225 points

100Km-75Km=275 points

75Km-70Km=350 points

69Km=425 points

Bonus points for aesthetics will be awarded at my discretion

Any other forms of Awesome design will be given bonus points at my discretion

Challenge Modes

"The Economy Class"

Single Person Crew

Direct to Asteroid

250 points

"Business Class"

Two man Crew

Direct to Asteroid

300 Points

"1st Class"

Three Man Crew

Direct to Asteroid

400 points

:cool: "The ULTRA BUMPER MISSION" :cool:

Three Man Crew

Docks with Large Space Station(At least 5 Launches, Can't Just be small baby modules)

Redirects Asteroid, docks with station, performs COMPLETE Crew transfer and lands at runway

(Fuel Transfers are allowed at any point of the mission)


Excited to see what you'll come up with


People who complete this challenge, can put this image on their signature


Happy Launchings!

Edited by soo25
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Any restrictions on staging?

Wings are mandatory?

Any restrictions/rewards related to asteroid size?

"Business Class"

Three man Crew

Direct to Asteroid

300 Points

"1st Class"

Three Man Crew

Direct to Asteroid

400 points

What is the difference?

And what does "direct to asteroid" mean?


Not that it really matters, but you can't unpack a zip file?

Edited by Kasuha
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No staging restrictions

Its a NASA style Space Shuttle, Wings are mandatory, take off from launch pad, land on runway

I will add bonus points depending on asteroid size(At my discretion)

Direct to Asteroid means you don't stop at a space station, you just coast straight to the asteroid

No zip files because they can get past firewalls if they have malicious stuff in there

I will fix the Business class and 1st class typo

Thanks for the feedback.

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No staging restrictions

Its a NASA style Space Shuttle

These two contradict each other. Define "NASA style Space Shuttle". Can I take a booster along to the asteroid and stage it later, for instance?

The creator of the challenge reserves the right to disqualify anyone for any reason.
I will add bonus points depending on asteroid size(At my discretion)

I don't like these two either, they say 'I don't know how to set up rules so I'll be changing them on the fly however I like'.

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When I say NASA style, I refer to the general flight profile of a space shuttle, with a dedicated launch stage, and runway landings

I want people to be as crazy and out their as possible, and due to this, if I feel that I have overlooked a possible exploit, I may disqualify. If there is certain factors that are very personalized, like asteroid size in relation to the Shuttle design, I need to be able to use as free of a scoring system as possible

Thanks for enquiring, and I would encourage you to take a swing at this challenge!:)

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I'm not sure whether I'll score any points according to your system, but I'm modifying a shuttle right now with the intent of visiting an asteroid.

Due to the fact I'm going for a realistic shuttle design, I doubt I'll be able to move the asteroid anywhere, but my goal is to attach the external fuel tank to it. For science. And then go home.


The shuttle currently works, but I'm working on bigger boosters so it can get into orbit with enough fuel to reach an asteroid.

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Sorry to drop in, but I've noticed something.

Guys, if you're thinking of doing the challenge, don't rules lawyer it into oblivion. Just try to follow the spirit of the challenge. If d00d here says "Build a NASA-styled space shuttle", you can assume he means something launched in a manner similar to an SS launch, built in a manner similar to an SS, and such.

Instead of trying to find (and/or close) every loophole, just do the thing.

Speaking of, give me some time to download the ARM patch and I'mma try this.

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Excited to see how it's coming along!

I made a shuttle for your challenge, but I didn't like the aesthetics, so I scrapped it. But now I have been distracted on making a new one and haven't actually completed the challenge. So, to get a name on the board, I'll use the old "ugly but functional" one.




It shouldn't be hard to stick a claw on the nose and fly it to an asteroid. I will attempt the challenge tomorrow.

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