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Plain old ferrings, not proceduraly generated btw!

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I tried to make the Saturn V rocket with the new parts from 0.23.5. It was so close. Just there were no ferrings to put the lander for apollo 11 replica in. All I ask for are ferrings that come as a part and aren't proceduraly generated. That would do me and many others a world of good. If this conflicts with the 'don't post' thread, please take it down. I wasn't sure if the rule about not posting proceduraly generated ferrings would still count with non proceeduraly generated ferrings. Thanks again. One-Way Gaming.

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thanks. I think I'll ask him if he's able to release a fairings pack and leave the rest of the parts out. It's an awesome mod, but all I want now are fairings. Like what the developer of the FASA Pack did. He released a pack only containing his launch towers and nothing else.

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The Mod with the Gemini and Mercury Capsules (dont remember the name right now) has an dedicated Lander Compartment with an inline docking Point inside the fairings



Thats called FASA. The developer released a pack full of his launch towers as well.

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Farrings will probable come in the stock game when the Devs focus on arodynamics. Until they do there isn't any poin gameplay wise for ferrings. They look nice, but as said above there's mods that do it already and they look great :)

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