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Career mode content, goals and motivators

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At the moment the career mode is fairly simplistic and only tracks one resource which affects one thing - tech tree advancement. I know that contracts are planned, but regardless I would like to share my vision on how I think career mode might work the best.

First of all, science should not be directly related to the research unlocks. I think a more interesting way would be to track the following main variables: Funding, and tech level (available parts).

Funding would determine what you can do, of course. With good funding, you can do more missions, and if you have surplus funds, you can invest them into technology research to speed up the development of that particular technology. The funding could simply be the price of parts, although a more advanced system would also emulate mission upkeep costs (the salaries of ground control, maintenance crews, etc). Building re-useable spacecraft could be useful, however there would still be a cost associated in maintenance, repairs and fitting for new mission (space shuttle, awesome as it was, ended up hideously expensive to maintain in rotation).

The amount of funding would be determined based on what kind of missions you do. Each mission could have three types of objectives: Political, commercial, and research objectives.

The political objectives would mean high-visibility missions that can be used as propaganda tools. These would be done as "government contracts" and would generally be given by long-term goals - like getting to the Mun by the end of this decade some time period. Failures could hurt your government funding, while successful completions of goals before time limits would get you better funding.

Commercial objectives would be simple: You get contracted by some company to deliver a satellite with certain parametres and once you've done that, you get paid for it.

Research objectives would be split into two sub-categories. The first would be scientific research, and the second would be technology research. Scientific research would be done by doing experiments, collecting samples, and delivering results to Kerbin for further analysis. The science research would not directly affect the research of existing technologies. However, doing a lot of science would possibly unlock entirely new technologies faster (such as high-tech propulsion technologies) and would also slightly affect the funding you get, since the science community would be advocating for good funding for the space programme. Some scientific instruments could be very expensive, however, and could take a long time to fabricate so missions would need to be planned long time in advance. Generic science instruments (like temperature, pressure, gravity and seismic sensors) could be cheap, but again as you use them you start getting more advanced versions (like goo canister or materials bay or a mobile laboratory).

Technological research objectives would be done in the form of experimental missions, both in spacecraft and aviation. These missions would have a certain goal to be accomplished, and doing it would accumulate research on a certain category of parts. For example, high altitude supersonic aircraft mission would improve airfoils and air-breathing engines. A high-altitude atmospheric rocket launch would improve the engines (solid or liquid), and possibly fuel tank types available. Basically instead of just getting research points to unlock specific groups of objects, you would gradually improve the parts that you're actually using. If you make aircraft and fly missions with them, you'll end up getting better wings of different varieties. If you use rockets, you'll end up getting better rockets.

So instead of making a traditional tech tree with particular grouped unlocks, I would rather see a "basic" form of all the important parts available from the start of the space program. You would have small rocket engines (liquid and solid), small jet engines, small fuel tanks, some basic airfoils and control surfaces, basic electrical power supply and probably one jet cockpit and probe core to use. By using them, the game would then make more advanced parts available based on what kind of technology research you've been doing.

This would avoid the annoying problem of not having any electrical power supply early on in the space programme - having a basic battery and APU (which when active would consume fuel) available would help with that. Old parts could also become cheaper to use as you unlock more advanced versions, since established technology is easier to manufacture by mass production than "bleeding edge" technology - so you could choose between having heavier, smaller capacity batteries with cheaper cost, or lightweight, powerful batteries that cost a whole lot more. And, using APU would eventually give you other power production systems - like fuel cells, RTG, solar panels etc. In many ways, this would be parallel to the skill leveling in Skyrim, which is probably the best way of leveling up I've seen in any game since you get better at things that you're actually doing.

Completing tech research objectives would not yield any funds, but it would be necessary to complete them to gain ability to perform more objectives that bring in the funds. This would mean that exclusively tech research missions would be the most expensive mission type.

Missions could of course share different objectives. For example, a scientific mission can also have political objectives, like sending a powerful new space telescope to take beautiful pictures of the universe - the Hubble Space Telescope is a good example of how a particular mission can significantly increase the popularity of a space programme. Or, you could deliver several commercial satellites and scientific research satellites in one launch.

The important thing is that you should be able to assign objectives from a list to be completed on a particular mission, which would allow you to actually build your own mission with a specific set of goals, instead of flying pre-designed missions with fixed goals. The current Mission Control mod sort of does this, but I'd like to see it refined.

This kind of "fleshed out" system for developing the space programme would in my opinion greatly increase the appeal of actually playing the career mode. You would have to choose between getting to the Mun as fast as possible in a Toyota Corolla, to collect the political reward for it and secure funding for your space programme - or getting funds more from the commercial sector, and developing your technologies using those funds before sending a more advanced spacecraft to the Mun.

Note: None of this is necessarily a suggestion to do it exactly like that. These are mostly general ideas; specific execution and balancing would need a lot of testing to make sure the game is enjoyable to play, progresses at a nice pace, and doesn't put you into a "no funds" situation too often.

Thoughts are welcome.

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  • 3 months later...

This is.... Great. I'd love to see such a system, and it shouldn't be too hard to implement as a mod (it'd need another type of resource, though, to differentiate between scientific and tech-related returns.)

The tech advancement concept is nice, and I've been thinking about making such a system for a while now. I think a good way to do this is something like assigning the R&D center to research a particular subject or multiple ones, at a fraction of the speed. As you get farther in the tech level, research becomes harder and you have to manage the productivity of your R&D center. You could speed it up by pouring funds into it (boosts speed of research according to a less-than-proportional function in relation to funding [the rate at which it consumes funds] ), doing science (boosts speed because scientists like you and attract good workers) and tech research missions (which become available during research and provide fixed boosts to the research progress for using a certain type of part, and more so for more advanced ones). When the research reaches, say, 30%, you get to know what parts will be available to you in the end and decide whether you want to continue or not. After it reaches 100% you could build a craft with those parts right away.

Maybe you could also make the rocket assembly non-instant (and build multiple launchpads or VABs for less delay between launches), but I don't see that as necessary.

As it hasn't been explicitly stated, I think the best way to approach political contracts (and probably the commercial contracts too) would be to make them expire at a predetermined date.

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