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KSP Facilitys!

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Now, We all know in the .21 update, The KSC was changed forever. There is, another KSC on kerbin, and It uses the old models and textures. I was thinking, (Open to suggestions) that maybe we could implement that as the first KSC. After a while of researching *OLD PARTS!* You get to Research The KSC That was updated in .21/.22, and you start researching all the new parts! Not only does nostalga roll in, It also Makes use of the Easter egg KSC! And it allows you to switch from the old parts *Before .18 with the new part modeling engine* to the new parts! *ARM included*. I think nostalga would make the game more popular an- Wait, also, if you try to access the new KSC before you research it, All you will see is a construction site and a UI will say, Sorry, we arn't done yet. Come back another time! This makes use of the old parts *disregarding the smallest SRBs* and is a good idea. Now, if you want to add to this idea, or you want to rate it and tell me what you think, Add it to the comments below. Thanks and ADD MORE BOOSTERS!:)

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I think that it would be nice to see mod with old demo part set scaled down to half meter probe parts and play with them like with RC rocket models... but I don't see it really for stock game.

Edited by karolus10
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I think they removed the old pod because Kerbals were too big to fit in the pod.

Well...they're still too big for all the pods we have now. I think having the Kerbals take up "imaginery space" inside pods is fine as it allows for smaller parts. You can still add their mass, but they can shrink in size for the sake of the game.

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nice idea but wow its allot of work to implement and there is one more issue it doesn't add much to capabilities from very early versions of the game you could get into orbit as you can with the small parts of the current build the only thing that would change is the look would get better but the capability would remain almost the same.

and i would image it is quite allot of work to integrate all the old stuff into the current build and add an unlock mechanism

I do like the idea of having to build up your space center though.

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