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Part Re-Configuration Bible.

Green Skull

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Is there a list anywhere of all the part re-configs for old or broken parts to bring them up to the latest standards? If not what I'm proposing is a thread on the add on release forum where people can submit part re-configurations links in a post which are then moved to the front page so that everyone can quickly and easily find what they are looking for.

Format -

All config downloads would be hosted and maintained by the submitter.

Re-config submitter would be responsible for any licence and permissions needed, this page would just be a list of what's out there.

Main page to be maintained by me containing download links in numerical and alphabetical order.

If there is a problem with a particular config problems would be reported in this thread saving grief for mod developers. If it doesn't work the link is removed until it is proven fixed.

Drawbacks -

What I'm not sure about is the obvious licence potential nightmare... What I'm thinking is they would just be updated configs with credit going to the original mod developer and a line saying who modded and when. No models or textures.

Bonuses -

Keeping good parts alive that are no longer maintained.

Modifications to existing parts to make them compatible with other mods e.g. R.S.S.

Ease the pain on modders around KSP updates like the ARM patch as quick fixes could be posted.

No more hunting through a ton of posts to find what you want.

If this exists where is it?

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I wanted to do something like this a while ago and the license police started chiming in. Apparently some modders do just want their old stuff to die despite just needing a small .cfg tweak to keep them going most of the time.

If its for new stuff, I'm all for having a repository where parts would be uploaded but could be batch processed to update to new versions as they come out to keep them up to date. The original uploader could also tweak his stuff as he sees fit. By uploading your stuff, you submit to whatever license necessary to let this happen.

Majir was also talking about doing a standard hosting server on his personal equipment, if this idea could also be integrated I think it would be very cool and differentiate it from Spaceport's general anarchy.


- In a future KSP version, all part textures MUST be in .mbm format, ergo a batch script will run through every texture and convert them.

- All parts should have tech tree assignments, ergo a script will run through and auto-assign them based on whatever.

- All parts need PART {} in order to work properly, ergo a script runs through every config, checks it, and adds the lines as necessary.

- .dll's could be marked as incompatible with the latest KSP version, and the original owner could have a grace period of X days or months to update it before fixes are allowed by a 3rd party. That 3rd party would then have their own timer to make the fixes before another 3rd party could attempt it. Scope would be limited to making the mod work in the new version only.

Edited by PolecatEZ
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It would be nice for something to be done as there are configs for mods where the licence allows mods or updates but they are strewn through hundreds of pages on this forum. The work is all ready done, I would just like to see it in one easy to use index. If it can be integrated into other things fantastic I'm all for that.

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  Green Skull said:
It would be nice for something to be done as there are configs for mods where the licence allows mods or updates but they are strewn through hundreds of pages on this forum. The work is all ready done, I would just like to see it in one easy to use index. If it can be integrated into other things fantastic I'm all for that.

I think it is actually permissable to make a page where it links to those posts, or to post what changes need to be made. But you cannot post an edit of the config.

A simple work around is to post a MM config file, but that requires that you atleast have the PART{} added to the appropriate parts.

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Is there a way to make simple script to add PART {} to something? I think it can be done with old .bat text editing commands. Then it would just be a matter of adding all else via MM config. Granted though, my school of thought on this has changed somewhat to a more Darwinist perspective. If something is no longer viable, a new mod-maker can basically re-make it (but better), especially while this game is still undergoing relatively rapid changes. I can't wait to see how 64-bit impacts everything, for example.

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Editing configs with module manager is possible. What I will say is that there are many different ways to write a config with the same results and most people write in their own way, this is the biggest hindrance to a programme that could read configs and re-edit to bring them up to date.

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