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My ship design

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So, I\'m thinking this is the right section of the forums but not 100% sure.

I made a vanilla Mun lander or attempted to, it\'s definitely capable of making it to the Mun but I cannot seem to get the 2nd stage (9) to release without blowing the rest of it to smitherines. If you run through the stages while still in the atmosphere it releases just fine but with full throttle I can make it up 30k+ meters before I want to release the stage but when I do I think it collides with the part opposite it. If anybody could give me an idea how to make it less unstable that\'d be great! Attached is the .craft file.

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It should probably in the How To section. Oh, well, a mod can move it.

You were right, the second stage drop tanks are colliding with each other. I separated them out into 2 staging events. Just press space, wait a few seconds for the first set to fall away, and press space again.

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AHA! I\'m not the only one then. When it decouples, does it just spontaneously explode, or does something that decouples bounce around and blow stuff up? If the former, I have the same exact problem. I really have no idea what causes it, but it doesn\'t seem to want to go away no matter what I do.

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