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Mün Monster 3C

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With a GLOW of 303.8 tonnes, and capable of putting a 26.6 tonne lander + return system into low Münar orbit with fuel remaining, this is one of the largest ships I can usefully run on my computer. There\'s probably enough available ?V for a mission to Edgar and back(!)

Required packs: Capt Slug\'s Landing Leg

Approximate Stage Performance:

Booster 6600 m/s

Lander 4900 m/s

Pod 1100 m/s (If RCS is not depleted during maneuvers. May be 2-3x larger, depending on RCS bugs)

User notes:

The booster (first) stage is capable of bringing you from the Kerbin surface to final munar descent if used carefully. It is capable of both direct ascents, and flying to the Mun from a 70-150 km parking orbit, though the latter seems to use less fuel. The integral RCS tank and blocks are to make it easier to rotate while the engines are off. The Lander should be capable of getting you from LKO to the munar surface and back to Kerbin. The 'pod' can theoretically fly from the Munar surface into Kerbin\'s atmosphere, if the RCS is not exhausted on other maneuvers.

Potential dangers:

The relatively low TWR of the lander (6.5-18 N/kg) means that descents require a great deal of care, and ascents from Kerbin cannot be performed when the outer tanks are more than ~1/3 to 1/2 full. One may need to begin burning at altitudes of 50+ km. Despite reinforcements, the structure is unlikely to survive impacting the Kerbin surface at all but the lowest speeds. Ejecting the pod and activating the parachute is recommended for water landings. The pod can survive an unpowered land impact under most conditions, but water landings typically require active braking.

edit: I forgot the .craft file. >_<

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