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List of altitude levels?

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Is anywhere a list of the altitude levels (I don't know a better term) available? As I play career mode and some of the instruments only work in space high above, low space, upper or lower atmosphere...

I would like to know which altitude I have to maintain for my experiments. Or is it the same for all celestial bodies?

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Something that I think has become less clear since someone updated the wiki.

- "In Space High" means your craft is inside the given Sphere of Influence and above the "Space Border" altitude listed in the Celestial Body Multiplier Matrix.

- "In Space Low" means your craft is inside the "Space Border" altitude and in an orbital path.

- Inside the atmosphere works the same way, except you need to be on an suborbital trajectory. So that means that even if you are inside the atmosphere but still orbital (such as during aerobraking), your science will not count as "Inside the atmosphere"

For example, orbiting Kerbin above 250km altitude, your science is counted as "In Space High over Kerbin." If you enter the Mun's SOI, it immediately counts as "In Space High over Mun" until you get below 60km Mun altitude. Then it is "In Space Low over Mun."

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