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Sixshot 3 - A Stock Sundiver


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Six shot 3.


I threw this thing together a couple months ago after a discussion on another forum made me realize that using a Bi-Elliptic transfer could cut the required delta-V to put a capsule by more than half, over a Hohmann transfer, at the expense of making a much longer trip. Basically, any spacecraft that can reach Kerbol escape velocity can hit the star.

Starting at Kerbin orbit, I pushed the apoapsis to 131 Gm, then used the RCS system to slow down to drop the periapsis to nearly the center of Kerbin. I didn\'t come to a complete stop at apoapsis, because it took a couple hours to get there, and a previous try resulted in a crash when I slowed to zero.

Apoapsis burn occurs at about 4:08.

The nonexistent surface of Kerbol is pierced at about 7:29.

Video\'s eight minutes long, but the flight took something like four hours to fly at 10,000x. The ship is poorly designed, and poorly flown . I waste a decent amount of fuel trying to bend my flight-path before escaping Kerbin\'s SOI, because I started burning for escape at the wrong time, and as a result, I run out of Liquid Fuel just as push the apoapsis out to 131Gm. The whole trip takes 1200 days in-game, versus the 18 days a Hohmann descent would have taken.

Basic plan of the flight path flown in the video.


Isn\'t quite accurate because I didn\'t take notes, and the program doesn\'t accept negative altitude inputs, and the total delta-V measurements assume that the player is leaving, and entering a circular orbit.

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Ah, thanks. I\'d noticed the copyright claim email, but since I uploaded the video, and I was logged in, I couldn\'t see that YouTube had blocked embedding playback. And of course, YouTube\'s video editor won\'t let you strip the audio completely, nor will it remove the copyright claim if you replace the audio with one of the options YouTube provides.

edit: Argh, that didn\'t work either.

URL of the youtube video: youtu.be/go9WmKd2Wuc

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Unfortunately, I didn\'t take a screenshot of the end mission screen. Reading off the video file, the highest velocity I\'ve got in a frame looks like 3,763,990.6 m/s near the center of Kerbol.

Top speed in Kerbin\'s SOI: 4,017 m/s.

Top speed in the outbound phase of the bi-elliptic transfer: 12,437 m/s.

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