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Komrades, I bring a harrowing tale of impending doom.

Many of you have suspected this just like I have: the occasional glitch in position, phantom forces on your craft, etc.

The Kraken is back my fellow kerbonauts.

What began as a simple asteroid-capture mission for me became plagued by phenomena not witnessed by anyone for more than half a year. Upon quitting to the space center, I was confronted with this:


however, my ridiculously pathetic attempts at theatrics aside, has anyone else been experiencing kraken-y symptoms? I've played the game since 0.12 and this is the first time that I've gotten severely Krakened while in Kerbin SOI

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I have only ever gotten attacked ONCE before today, and it was some random issue with my ship's COM coming de-coupled from the ship itself and floating off into space (and other such errors and silliness)

and today, literally minutes after installing the new update, I can't seem to do ANYTHING without my capsule flying off in some random direction, or my spacecraft rapidly disassembling itself in an unplanned manner.

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The Kraken was, for the most part, fixed in version 0.17. Before that, Exiting Kerbin's SOI would cause your ship to spin randomly and generally make flight impossible due to inaccuracies in calculating position.

However, with .23.5 ive gotten not only random spinning in Kerbins SOI but also enormous phantom accelerations, causing my engine-devoid ship to go from 500 m/s to 12 km/s in under 10 seconds.

I've encountered the COM problem many times as well, exiting to the space center seems to fix it.

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