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FXAA Injector on KSP?


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Hey, I'm wondering if anyone here knows anything about this.

the FXAA injector is basically a piece of software someone made that lets you change small parts of any DirectX application's visuals, ranging from Anti-aliasing to bloom and radial blur. I've been using it on a range of applications such as MMOs and other things, and I've been thinking of trying it on KSP. Right now though, I'm on my laptop, which is not the computer I use for playing KSP, that and the FXAA injector is not compatible with with PC because of some software conflicts I have yet to figure out. Otherwise, it works on pretty much everything in the desktop version.

Similar to ENB in some ways (except this works with a GUI rather than just a config file like it does with most games), you can save configs and modify some of the effects. Of course, it's limited, it does not feature things like SSAO, Depth of Field (I would freaking love Depth of Field in KSP) or Motion Blur. As an outline of some of the effects it's capable of, it includes FXAA, Bloom, radial blur and I think some pseudo-HDR type stuff. I'm not too sure what else. There's also colour adjustment (just RGB levels as you'd expect, turn your KSP into a dark, contrasty film-noir if you want.) a couple of scaleable filters (scan lines and stuff, like you'd see on old TVs or whatever), and that's all I can remember, but there's probably a lot more tools on it.

So the main question is, has anyone tried KSP with it? I've tried looking for threads, but I can't seem to find any. I'm currently swamped with work right now, so as for me, I can't really show anyone any screenshots or try it out for myself yet.

As for the actual Injector download, I'm not sure how Squad feels about linking it, so you'll have to Google it yourself, it shouldn't be hard to find. Anyway, I'm going to do some work, but I will check the thread and answer questions if anyone has any. Better yet, feel free to try it yourself, so long as there's no rules or anything against it which I'm not aware of.

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