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„The Grand Tour� Tropes Contest - win €40 worth video game!


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You really want to win, don't you? :) These are good tropes, especially Death World which btw applies for basically every world we know in our Solar System save for Earth - but Venus are one of the worst offenders together with Io and gas giants IMHO.

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Yes, I do want to win!

I finally have a good use for all that time wasted on Tv Tropes. Wait . . . there's a trope for that!

Trope: (not for the contest): Tv Tropes Will Enhance Your Life: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/SugarWiki/TvTropesWillEnhanceYourLife

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: By knowing lots of tropes, I can win a valuable video game!

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Trope: Space Does Not Work That Way

Type: Averted like a boss (duh!)

Explanation: It's KSP! Of course space physics works like it should!

Trope: Single Biome Planet

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Duna is one giant desert, Eve is a two-biome planet (toxic oceans and wasteland), most moons are an airless plain, and laythe is a beach world.

Trope: Zeroth Law Rebellion

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: BERTY'S rebellion is one of the main plot points.

Trope: Affectionate Parody

Type: Exaggerated


Trope: Adaptational Badass

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb, who is normally known for being a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, is now an awesome Broken Ace.

- - - Updated - - -

Trope: Precursors

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The civilization that built the monoliths.

Trope: The Omniscient Council of Vagueness

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: KSC seems to by run by the trope( it hides the mission's main reason (to research the mysterious signals)).

Trope: Nothing Is Scarier

Type: Played Straight(Type 2 and 3)

Explanation: (Type 2)We (so far) never find out what caused the Krussian space station around Ike to become abandoned. We also don't know what happened to the crew on Duna after their manned exploration of the source.(Type 3) The black and white photograph of Jool seems normal... until you see the face.

Trope: Alien Sea

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Eve's seas are purple and composed of hazardous chemicals.

Trope: Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb hijacks the AMU to refuel the Proteus, mutinies (along with BERTY) against KSC, and ends the mission early.

Trope: Obstructive Bureaucrat

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Bob is this trope.

Trope: Cool Starship

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Proteus is this.

Trope: Neutral Good

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Jeb is willing to comply with KSC and BERTY, but when things get out of hand, he rebels.

Trope: Big Dumb Object

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Source.

- - - Updated - - -

Trope: Space Compression

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The planets and the distances between them are 10 times as small as they should be in real life.

Trope: Artistic License - Biology

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: How are Kerbals able to move their giant heads? They should be very unstable

Edited by gutza1
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Trope: The Needs Of The Many (AKA For The Greater Good)

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: BERTY is willing to use a dead body for experiments and to sacrifice Kerbals in the name of Kerbalkind( I thought Jeb was being stupid with the dead body, after all, aren't the lives of millions of Kerbals more important than a cultural taboo?)

Edit: 50th post!

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This really needs to be updated. I submitted a lot of tropes, and it might cause some confusion.

I agree. I'll do this ASAP.

EDIT: Please, include links to the tropes! It'll make adding them to the list much easier :)

EDIT2: Done. Congrats gutza 1, great job at trope-hunting! :)

Edited by czokletmuss
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Trope: The Computer Is Your Friend: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheComputerIsYourFriend

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Berty believes that what he does is best, and says so.

Trope: Sapient Ship: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SapientShip

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Before Berty is deactivated, he is integrated into every part of the ship. "Jeb. I am the spacecraft."

Trope: Spaceship Girl: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceshipGirl

Type: Averted

Explanation: Berty is not female.

Trope: Cold Equation: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ColdEquation

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Laythe lander could not lift off with both Sid and the samples.

. . . which leads to . . .

Trope: Sadistic Choice: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SadisticChoice

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer has a choice: abandon the samples or abandon Sid.

Edited by QuesoExplosivo
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Trope: The Mutiny: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheMutiny

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: This happens both when Rozer takes control and when the crew votes to return to Kerbin.

Trope: Anti-Mutiny: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AntiMutiny

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Berty takes the Proteus to Jool, following the original orders.

Trope: Wham Episode: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhamEpisode

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: "Impact" changes the story drastically. (It is also a literal "wham"!)

Edited by QuesoExplosivo
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Time for revenge, Explosive Cheese!

Trope: Space Whale: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceWhale

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: The Kraken (it's dead though).

Trope: Shout-Out:

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: "Daisy", as well as BERTY's core, are references to 2001: A Space Odyssey

Trope: Unexpectedly Abandoned: [url="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UnexpectedlyAbandoned

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: When some of the crew land back on Duna to investigate the distress signal, they find that the base is empty.

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Trope: What the Hell, Hero?: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhatTheHellHero

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: In Chapter 64, Jeb goes crazy with the tazer and reactivates Berty.

"What's the hell is going on?" --Ned

Trope: Out of the Frying Pan: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OutOfTheFryingPan

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer and Cambo successfully make it back to Proteus from Duna, only to face a reactivated Berty.

Edited by QuesoExplosivo
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Today is the day! Sorry for not updating the first page but (I'll admit honestly) I was reading "The Martian" during the whole weekend. But hey, the contest ends today so it's not that important anyways - expect announcement (with winner and so on) tomorrow :)

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Trope: Lawful Neutral

Type: Played Straight

Explanation: Rozer's only commitment is to the mission: he is willing to maroon a crew member behind on Laythe just to advance the mission.

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