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I dont play career. Science restriction is stupid.

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Sure it has all the cool stuff and it promises resources and money in the future, but it [Career Mode] restricted science To it's mode only! Complete and Utter Bullcrud! :huh:

It should be free. You should be able to still do science missions even if you don't HAVE to. It would make it more fun. :D

Of course I sound like an insane ranter rambling off #SANDBOXRULESCAREERDROOLS right now but I have a point. The science restriction to career is just a sad and poor move on squad's part.

Please Harvester, Bac9, and whatever other squad devs are on the KSP Team, Please allow R&D to be added to Sandbox.

as for the masses of brainless tryhards that are going to hate on my complaint, go play with your money somewhere in space. You can have your Career mode. Go. Sit. Stay. Good Doggies.

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