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Derogatory term for Kerbals

Whirligig Girl

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Just call em Yellow; not only is it calling them a coward, but also insinuates that they are not green, which is weird to Kerbals...

They probably also turn that color if they get space-sick.

Kerbl'eesh, Gods of Chaos. The laws of physics is on Kerbals' side: they can arbitrarily create matter and energy and exploit physics for teh lulz. After threats of Kraken-drive powered planet-cracking, the Imperium and other interstellar powers would surrender to Kerbals' infinite might.

Stealing a little bit of real history, my money is on "Greenskins."

But they also resemble stereotypical Martians, we'd probably end up calling them that. Heck, pretty sure in the U.K. the term Martian is more or less synonymous with "space alien," regardless of what its home planet is.

Edited by vger
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