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Small Multi-Purpose Probes With Compact Probe Launch Module (Ultra Low Part Count!)

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Small Multi-purpose Probes with Compact Probe Launch Module:

I give you two small probes with very few parts. I designed them to be flown with RCS as they are incredibly light weight and small. Feel free to remake the probe launch module or improve on any of my designs. Though I would love to see what modifications and changes people make to these designs.

Please note: The launch vehicle is not included but you should be able to swap out a payload from one of your other rockets or make your own launcher.

How to use:

There are two different tiny probes, but due to their size, they can be flown ridiculously far with RCS. By default the "H" key is how to fly them forward. Use the "1" key to deploy the antenna and the solar panels.

Probe deployment/dispersion module:


Probe 1 pictures:

Before deployment of panels and antenna: http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/792939615904104525/5299BEE36D51E850CE2D619C786D6B306364455D/

After deployment of panels and antenna:


Probe 2 pictures:

Before deployment of panels and antenna:


After deployment of panels and antenna:


Download link:


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