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plane problems

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i am currently attempting to build a plane with b9 and procedural wings. the problems is that the ailerons are inverted from the elevators ie: when i tell them to pull up they move in the other direction. i think this is why my plane keeps flipping out when i try to fly. so far this one plane has calmed more lives than my mun program of five flights. any help would be appreciated

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Hmm. Well I don't use B0 or Procedural Wings, but since nobody has responded yet I can try to help. You might get some quicker answers posting directly in the B9 or Procedural Wings threads.

In any case, my first question is are you able to build/fly stock airplanes? As goofy as it sounds, perhaps your flight controls seem backward because your keybindings are messed up. Pushing the up arrow key should cause your nose to go down (trailing edge of the elevator down).

When you say "ailerons are inverted from the elevators," Do you mean that the ailerons go trailing edge up when your elevators go trailing edge down? I'm not sure if there's a tweakable to invert those, but you should be able to simply tell ailerons to not deflect at all when pitching. And tell the elevator to not deflect at all when rolling.

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If you push the down arrow, the ailerons will go up, pushing the rear of the plane towards the ground and hence pushing the nose up -> plane goes upwards

If you push the up arrow, the ailerons will go down, pushing the rear of the plane away from the ground, pushing the nose down.

That's what's supposed to happen (consider the joint between the aileron and the wing a pivot, then imagine what happens if you push one way around the pivot); if that's not happening then I'm not entirely sure what's going wrong. Well, you could be forgetting that up is down and down is up for planes of course; if you want to go up, you have to use the down arrow and vice versa.

There are other reasons your plane could be flipping in the air - a picture might help to see what might be going wrong. You may have the center of mass and lift not aligned correctly, the engines could be thrusting not through the center mass...and so on.

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