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Transferring career save from standalone version to Steam version

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I would like to start saying that I absolutely love this game.

However, I first pirated it two weeks ago (please let's not go into why), but now I want to buy it from Steam. My version is 0.23 and I understand steam version will be 0.235. I read that I could just transfer saves, but will that work with different versions? What should I do that once I buy from Steam, I get the same ships/career/flights that I have now?

I cant wait to buy KSP version from Steam once I know that this transfer is possible:)


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Your save (including flights in progress, saved ships in VAB/SPH) are under your KSP\SaveGames\{nameOfSave} directory, so copying that whole from your current directory to Steam's install directory will migrate your existing career / sandbox.

The upgrade from 0.23 to 0.23.5 should be straightforward. My old saves created in 0.23.0 got updated after installing 0.23.5, and they now have the new asteroids and parts. There was a glitch in that immediately after 0.23.5 was released, but the current version on Steam has a hotfix that removed that problem. If you have a pure vanilla (no mod) installation it should "just work". Any mods you have could make it more complicated depending on their support for 0.23.5.

Oh, I think there's also a glitch with the mainsail engines and orange tanks in career saves, since they moved which tech tree node they were in. You will have to go and "purchase" the moved parts if you have a career save where you had already researched that node.

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Thanks for replies.

I understand that everything would be fine if I would have Steam 0.23 installation - I would just copy saves, and upgrade to 0.235.

But now I will have 0.235 Steam installation. Will I be able to copy my saves from 0.23 and put them in Steam 0.235?

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