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Modded stock cockpit .cfg file help


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Was tired of not being able to use the External Command seat as a crew able seat for my rovers/hot drop ships, so I decided to mod the config file. Everything is working fine, except for one small problem: The chosen crew member does not show up in the seat at launch, nor does their camera profile at the bottom left of the screen. Anyone able to tell me where I went wrong?

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They don't spawn in the seat automatically, even with config changes AFAIK: you need to go on EVA, and board the seat.

This is correct, because the command seat has no IVA and is not a capsule the model has no hatch, so even if you changed the crew capacity they would not spawn in the seat, but rather inside the seat, but they would never be able to get out.

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This doesn't matter for KSP, I work on command pods without hatch yet and there is one or more kerbals inside as expected.

It matters if you want to exit the pod, which is nice sometimes(if only for planting a flag and grabbing a surface sample).



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