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Jet engine helicopter


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enjoyed seeing your creation and felt like sharing mine!


Pilot operation manual:


-light up the engine and decouple the rotor


-switch to the rotor

-Throtle up between 80 and 100%

-Switch back to helicopter.

-landging gear up action group 1


-throtle 75%

-use brake in light touch to slow the rotor down this will help you modulate your sink rate.

Foward flight is limited to around 18m/s due to the asymetrical lift on the advancing blade wich will induce too much of a roll to control. RCS fuel is very limited so i suggest cheating a little bit and turn on infinite rcs.

I hope you guys will have as much as me with it :D

Craft file(mediafire) : http://www./view/z72jbe8pfzcdmb6/helico_mk3_5.craft

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I'm an Avionic Technician and I approve this aircraft.

I can't wait to fly the Mk.4 which the community is expecting to be a TSTO Helicopter!

Thank for your magnificent and reliable design! :D

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