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Kerbal Asteroid Classification


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After some research in asteroid composition and scientific observations done. Kerbalkind has decided to class the asteroid seen from the observatories on Kerbin.

Here one mission was sent out to gather samples of one of the larger asteroids determined to be on a collision course to Kerbin.

After a successful push to allow it to miss at just 107Km altitude and samples successfully returned to the scientist on Kerbin a chart was made.


A - Awesome shooting star for the night sky watchers.

B - Bang will be heard as the asteroid breaks up and explodes in atmosphere.

C - Crater hole will be made or a large splash in the ocean. Give's something cool to examine if no-one gets hurt.

D - Destructive impact expected. Tsunami waves will cause damage to coastal areas if hits in water or Devastating the area it hits if on land.

E - Extinction of Kerbin is expected. Be somewhere else when this hits or push it away at all costs.



Well, after the studies, it was determined that Kerbalkind got into space travel in just the nick of time. The E class above is estimated to be at 2100 tons (2192 for roid + ship). Jeb, Bill, and Bob are already our heros. It looks as though the space program MUST expand if the survival of Kerbalkind is to continue.

So what do you think of the chart? Is it way off or just scare mongering to secure more financial support?

Edited by Bothersome
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