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[Plugin][.24.2] For Science! - Science Automation (Aug 13th, 2014)


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Is there a way to integrate it with blizzy's toolbar? (The stock toolbar doesn't seem to work for me, or I don't understand how it works.) The ForScience window is always on my screen, very often in the way and when I move it when I have a target set it removes the target.

I really like the mod though. Thanks.

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  Fros7bite said:
I really hope this gets updated and cared for. It really takes a lot of monotony out of the game.

Last update was when .24 came out, which was like 2 weeks ago.

As for the UI, it is temporary until I can figure out how to integrate it into toolbar options on command modules.

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I am getting the following in output_log.txt

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.^M
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ModuleScienceContainer].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ^M
at ForScience.ForScience.TransferScience () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 ^M
at ForScience.ForScience.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

This happens when I have a Cyclotron from the Station Science mod connected to my ship (on the launchpad or in flight).

I was planning to look into the code to see if I could figure out whose issue this is but it seems that your git repo does not reflect the latest compiled version from curse.


I did some more testing and the issue only appears when the vessel does not contain any parts that have the ModuleScienceContainer module (currentVessel.FindPartModulesImplementing<ModuleScienceContainer>() returns an empty list). I encountered the issue when making an unmanned launcher to build my space station.

The code should probably check if the vessel is able to store science before trying to store them (you will still want to display the experiment window on probes so that you can send transmit it)

Edited by iulianov
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Cant get this to work, the ui appears but turning it on does nothing

Seeing lots of this in my log (not sure if its ForScience causing it) "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.Parameter name: index"

I see some "Tranfering science to container." in my log

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  ABZB said:
Is there a way to turn the window on and off? Or has that not been implemented yet? [it really bothers me to have a window up all time [i'm a maaaaaaniac a maaaaaaaaniac...]]

lol. Yeah, after I get done with the next version of kspi, I am going to integrate the mod into a container module which will remove the need for window. And then we can "so long, fair well, don't let the..."

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I really really love this mod. I think i was looking for this one for about half a year. So really thanks for doing this. But i am missing one little thing. beside all the stuff u are going to implement anyway. Why isn't he doing any Crewreports? Should be relative simple, isn't it?

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  Samueras said:
I really really love this mod. I think i was looking for this one for about half a year. So really thanks for doing this. But i am missing one little thing. beside all the stuff u are going to implement anyway. Why isn't he doing any Crewreports? Should be relative simple, isn't it?

If you have a manned pod, it should do crew reports.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loving the mod, i just wish i had stumbled upon it weeks or months ago. Hah. I tend to restart my game whenever i install a new large modpack like Interstellar, Near future, MKS, whatever. And yeah grinding all that science over and over really drains the life out of me after a while.

Love pretty much everything on your Future Goals, and i cant wait for them. Your Pie in the sky goals are somewhat less appealing to me personally, but some people would love them I'm sure. One problem though... "Overlay biome locations on map view." someone beat you to it :P heh

I would love to see EVA reports being collected automatically... Possibly with an external command chair. Add a little realism without making it a massive grind. Also being able to take surface samples without having to crawl up and down the ladder over and over would be great. Although that would tie in better with a drill part like Karbonite has i guess. Assuming you haven't already done something and i just haven't tested that far yet. Heh.

Anyways, i mostly just wanted to say thanks though, and that your work is appreciated. With interstellar-lite released i hope you have some more time to work on this mod.


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ran into a error that crashed my FPS and spammed my log. had a vessel on the mun, no science containers or experiments, MKS modules (command unmanned) and a few attached mechjeb AR-202 modules (command unmanned) I didn't have the error the first few times I loaded the various docked vessels, but it started throwing the error below as I was bringing in the 4th vessel to dock with the rest (as soon as I got into physics range). loading my last quicksave, jumping to the space center and even reloading the game didn't help. I was able to stop the error by using KAS to detach all the mechjeb modules. As soon as the last one was detached, the error stopped. I didn't even need to store or delete the parts. Hopefully this is enough to figure out what caused it. (I still have the output_log file, but it's 122mb because of the spam)


Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ModuleScienceContainer].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ForScience.ForScience.TransferScience () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ForScience.ForScience.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)


[EXC 11:51:23.570] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index

Science Alert v1.7.1 (noticed I forgot to include this earlier)

For Science v 0.24.2-1

MechJeb 2 v Dev Build 316

USI Kolonization V 0.20.8

KAS 0.4.8

KSPi Lite V .12.2 (PFission reactor, Generator, deployable radiators and ISRU were part of the vessel involved. But I don't think it was related)

If I get it to happen again, I'll try and get more information and a cleaner log file.

Edit: It's been happening enough for me to try and find a conflict, Uninstalled all addons except Squad, NASAmission, and ForScience started a new save, and I still get the error. :huh: I load in, launch a fuel tank, nothing else, and the log starts getting the error spammed, I add a command module, and it goes away. tested on x32 and x64

Output_Log.txt from x32 test, no other mods.


Edited by Tebryn
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Wow, read about this mod earlier, decided to bring it along for my third munar landing. I got around 370 science for the first two trips, but this time I did a full rotation around Kerbin before heading to the Mun, and a full polar orbit around the Mun before departing towards Kerbin again. I love this mod.


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  Tebryn said:
ran into a error that crashed my FPS and spammed my log. had a vessel on the mun, no science containers or experiments, MKS modules (command unmanned) and a few attached mechjeb AR-202 modules (command unmanned) I didn't have the error the first few times I loaded the various docked vessels, but it started throwing the error below as I was bringing in the 4th vessel to dock with the rest (as soon as I got into physics range). loading my last quicksave, jumping to the space center and even reloading the game didn't help. I was able to stop the error by using KAS to detach all the mechjeb modules. As soon as the last one was detached, the error stopped. I didn't even need to store or delete the parts. Hopefully this is enough to figure out what caused it. (I still have the output_log file, but it's 122mb because of the spam)


Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[ModuleScienceContainer].get_Item (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ForScience.ForScience.TransferScience () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ForScience.ForScience.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)


[EXC 11:51:23.570] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index

Science Alert v1.7.1 (noticed I forgot to include this earlier)

For Science v 0.24.2-1

MechJeb 2 v Dev Build 316

USI Kolonization V 0.20.8

KAS 0.4.8

KSPi Lite V .12.2 (PFission reactor, Generator, deployable radiators and ISRU were part of the vessel involved. But I don't think it was related)

If I get it to happen again, I'll try and get more information and a cleaner log file.

Edit: It's been happening enough for me to try and find a conflict, Uninstalled all addons except Squad, NASAmission, and ForScience started a new save, and I still get the error. :huh: I load in, launch a fuel tank, nothing else, and the log starts getting the error spammed, I add a command module, and it goes away. tested on x32 and x64

Output_Log.txt from x32 test, no other mods.


For now you'll need a science container. The next version will remove the window add a menu item to science containers to activate the mod.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not so sure this passed through the update completely unscathed. Decided to blow a few days grabbing low and high-orbit gravity scans and whatnot, and after farting around in low orbit for an hour things worked well enough. Went to high orbit, sped through about 30 hours - and got hit with a massive 115-report sciencesplosion the second I dropped out of timewarp, including a whole crapload of reports you can only get from being landed on the surface, many of which were also things I'd already cleared out. Went back to KSC, was coming in for landing - and got hit with *another* one right on my final approach. Don't think I can get anything useful from the log, unfortunately, since 99% of it's For Science firing off about no science or experiments being available.

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