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Hello my name is Vaeritas.

i am 19 years old and from germany (pardon my bad english)

after the formal stuff (see above and yes thats formal ;) ) i`d like to ask one of u guys to do me a favor:

I`d really like to support this game but i do not own a pay pal account nor a kreditcard. I do however have a way to buy games in Steam soooo i ask one of you to do a exchange: a preordert copy of KSP against a game from Steam with a similar/equal price

contact me and we will talk about my Steam profile name and wich game you want and so on and so on....

so long Vaeritas

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Guest GroundHOG-2010

Welcome to the forums.

About this credit card issue, I tend to use pre paid cards, as they allow you to not be out of pocket when someone hacks your card.

Its also easier if your younger than 16-18.

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Hey thanks for the warm welcome,

I do not want a credit card (you happy know? =P) or a pay pal account for a couple of reasons.

I did consider a pre paid credit card, but abandoned the idea,

thats why i came up with this steam-game-exchange-thing and i hope i didn`t make a (very) bad first impression.

However i still have the problem that i want to purchase this awesome game but can`t :\'(

if someone still has any idea i would appreciate it if you share it with me

so long Vaeritas

also please excuse my horrible grammer and spelling mistakes i am out of practise and tired ;)

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