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I had allways thought how cool it would be to create your own solar system. ever since playing KSP for the first time in 2013 I imagined a Customize The Solar System screen, akin to the customise your character screen you might find before beginning the live action part of a RPG, with sliders relating to the overall mass of the solar system as well as each individual body(s) in the solar system (asteroids having a Total Mass, Scatter Density and size Variation sliders ; planets/stars having compsition categories according to thier density, radius and ??orbital period??).

So i came across this game [ http://www.stefanom.org/spc/?view=2340256 ] and i thought - what a wonderfull tool. and i was just looking to enquire into what you guys might consider regarding the practicalitys surrounding this proposed element to the game. i don't know if it has been considered before and i'm a musician dude - i know little of computer science or coding but i really think it would make a nice addition. I have experimented with Hyper Edit and i reckon changing a solar system from thew inside is more tricky just purely because of those awesome numbers that mean something i only mostly comprehend.


Cheers Guys oxo

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You mean the game 'Universe Sandbox' in KSP, very good idea! But now people all talk about mun, minimus duna ect. When you make you're one sollar System you can't talk about the game with others. When you can do this in multiplayer then it would be cool.

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How about an info page or fact sheet generated by initiating the system? it could contain information such as orbital radius, mass/density, planet class, orbital period ect; so by posting/uploading the image people can quickly share and compare their own creations.

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Personally I always thought it would be cool to have procedurally generated systems created for each game. Keep things fresh and new for each campaign. Though the existence of planets and other bodies that exist for everyone is a cool community feature.

It could easily just be a different mode. . .

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It would be also fun to have in the core game stuff like a much more user-friendly Planet Factory CE to create and share your own planets/systems, and the ability when you start a game to choose your system.

Like that, you could choose between the standard Kerbol System, the Alternis System from Nova and whatever could get out from people's mind, there are few people on this forum who created very interesting and challenging planets.

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Personally I always thought it would be cool to have procedurally generated systems created for each game. Keep things fresh and new for each campaign. Though the existence of planets and other bodies that exist for everyone is a cool community feature.

It could easily just be a different mode. . .

FYI Devs have said that they wouldn't do procedural gen planets because they want the same experience for every player. But this would be a neat mod.

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I'd like it if when you start a new game, you have the option to pick between the standard Kerbal system, or a custom/modded system. People could create solar systems and put them online for people to download. Then all they'd have to do is throw them in a folder, start a new save, and select the system they want.

I'd really like to play this game in a model of the real solar system. I get why they scale down the size of the planets, but it'd be really cool to have everything accurate. Plus, you could even try to recreate star systems from fictional universes. How cool would that be!

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