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[1.0.4] ScienceAlert 1.8.9: Experiment availability feedback (July 13)


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When is is it time for science? Who knows! The game provides no feedback when you've crossed a biome barrier, a new crew report is available or when you've forgotten to run a goo experiment. Wouldn't it be cool to stop guessing?

What it does:

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  • Audio and visual cue when science is available
  • Configurable science filters for experiments
  • Configurable option to stop warp when an experiment becomes available
  • science threshold to ignore low value reports
  • SCANsat v6.1+ support! Optional SCANsat integration
  • Stock toolbar support

Installation & Usage

Download the plugin and extract in your KSP directory like any mod.

Actual use in-game is simple. When the button is lit, at least one experiment onboard matches your criteria. If the flask is animating, then a new experiment just became available (animation will stop when you have viewed the new experiment list). There are lots of per-experiment settings to choose from.

  • to open the list of currently available experiments,
    the ScienceAlert button

  • to open the options menu,
    the button. You can also change which button type (stock or Blizzy's) here, within the additional options submenu

SCANsat support

  • Enable SCANsat integration in the additional options menu
  • With this option enabled, you will only receive biome-associated alerts if you have mapped that portion of the planet's surface
  • Non-biome specific alerts will still occur as normal

Known Bugs:

  • if you transmit science report(s) using a transmitter's action menu, the reports queued for it won't be taken into account until transmission is complete
  • [not a bug] Available experiments and report values may suddenly change when going on EVA. This is because your Kerbal may be in a different "situation" -- for example, sitting on the pad might trigger an EVA alert for LaunchPad but you go on EVA and the alert stops. This is because the game considers the Kerbal to be "flying" while holding onto a ladder while in the air.




Older versions


This plugin is licensed under GPLv3. Source is available

Donations are welcome!



1.8.9 (July 13)

  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue in StorageCache that could sometimes prevent it from properly handling OnVesselWasModified events, preventing ScienceAlert from issuing alerts

1.8.8 (July 5)

  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue that could result in wasteful use of memory because Mono sucks at GC
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small memory leak caused every time your vessel switched dominant bodies until you changed scenes
  • Bugfix: Semi-fixed an issue that sometimes caused transmissions to fail when RemoteTech is installed. Full fix requires RemoteTech 4.7+
  • Bugfix: should no longer spam log with exceptions when Impact! is installed
  • Bugfix: options window filter settings weren't refreshed when loading a new profile, making it appear as though the wrong filters were being used
  • Bugfix: "not maxed" changed from <98% collected to "at least 0.1 science remains"
  • Bugfix: Deploying an experiment from a command seat in certain conditions should no longer turn the seat into a cloning device
  • Bugfix: Fixed a small issue that could ScienceAlert to stop alerting if conditions are just right when rapid unplanned disassembly is occurring yet you still have control of half a ship
  • Improvement: should now warn on "incorrect" biomes more reliably (specifically, if you're near the surface)
  • Improvement: preference will be given to Kerbals in command seats unless there's a better qualified scientist available

1.8.7 (May 4)

  • Bugfix: Taking surface samples or EVA reports from a vessel with command chair should no longer result in clones
  • Bugfix: SCANsat science transmission fixed
  • Bugfix: EVA reports (while flying) now trigger while in EVA on kerbin
  • Bugfix: UI transparency now applies to experiment list window

1.8.6 (April 28)

  • Bugfix: science transmission fixed
  • Bugfix: tourists are no longer eligible to take EVA reports
  • Feature: the most experienced scientist on board will be sent to collect EVA reports

1.8.5 (April 28)

  • Updated for KSP 1.0

1.8.4 (December 23)

  • Re-fixed compatibility bug with EPL/Hangar
  • Stock toolbar button should no longer get duplicated every time you switch to blizzy's toolbar option back

1.8.3 (December 18)

  • Prevent EVA or surface sample experiments from being deployed while TimeWarp is active
  • Re-added biome filtering; this should result in fewer "phantom alerts" that vanish before you can react

1.8.2 (December 16)

  • Updated for KSP 0.90
  • Flask animation now stops when experiment list is opened (or re-opened)
  • Confirmation dialog when overwriting existing profiles no longer unreasonably large
  • Correctly accounts for your facility tech level; for instance, if you are unable to go on EVA no alerts for eva reports will occur

1.8.1 (November 30)

  • Fixed a compatability issue with EPL/Hangar (thanks taniwha for pointing out issue & fix)
  • DLL version is now correct

1.8rc1 (October 20)

  • Updated for KSP 0.25
  • Draggable, pinnable windows
  • Per-vessel settings via profiles
  • Lots of small bugfixes and improvements

1.7.1 (July 24)

  • Updated for KSP 0.24.1
  • Removed some debug code that was accidentally left in

1.7 (July 22)

  • Updated for KSP 0.24
  • Added feature: Application Launcher support (and enabled by default)
  • Added feature: Blizzy's toolbar made optional
  • Added feature: (optional) EVA report always listed first
  • Added feature: (optional) Re-open experiment list when going on EVA
  • Added feature: (optional) Surface samples can be tracked from in-vessel
  • Added feature: (optional) Experiment list can display current biome
  • Bugfix: ScienceAlert GUI windows should now do much less flickering
  • Update: SCANsat interface updated to support 6.1; 6.1+ is now required for SCANsat integration
  • Note: Per-sound settings removed
  • Note: Lots of refactoring went on

1.6 (July 10)

  • New feature: SCANsat integration
  • Fixed an issue where alerts could appear for experiments worth no science
  • Biome map filter could, in rare circumstances, return an incorrect result
  • ScienceAlert should no longer stop reporting science in some circumstances while switching vessels
  • Fixed an issue that caused KeyNotFound exceptions to spam the game, degrading performance

1.5 (April 26)

  • New feature added: science report threshold to ignore reports worth less than specified value
  • Fixed a camera issue that could occur when switching to EVA from map view
  • Fixed a small issue that could rarely cause ScienceAlert to ignore biomes
  • A small UI improvement to make room for future options

1.4a (April 20)

  • Fixed a camera issue that could occur when switching to EVA from an IVA view

Edited by xEvilReeperx
1.8.9 released
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I don't know what is wrong, but its not working for me. I see it in the available buttons on the toolbar addon, but if I select it then it does not appear :(

Can you provide more detail? By "does not appear" do you mean the button doesn't show up at all, or it doesn't do anything when left clicked?

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Ok, I figured it out. The toolbar hides the button if all experiments are used. I had been trying to use this with a craft and didn't realize that there were no further experimental devices available on it so the button was hidden. That's what I think happened anyway. Works now. Marvelous plugin :)

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And the Ker-nobel prize goes to xEvilReeperx for his incredible achievements in ksp science. xEvilReeperx has made kerbal space exploration and science less of a guess work and more of a pre-programmed flight-plan sent directly from KSP mission control. Now the kerbonauts are more focused and organized to their mission and not just pushing random buttons at random times.

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its giving me this error

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[iScienceDataTransmitter,System.Collections.Generic.List`1[scienceData]].get_Item (IScienceDataTransmitter key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScienceAlert.MagicDataTransmitter.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

think i found the issue is with this mod and rt2 dont play nice so say when rt2 says it cant transmit it causes that error i beleive. just tested after removing sceince alert when got to around same height rt2 removed the passive antenna transmit.

Edited by sidfu
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rt2 works fine with .23.5 with the first community fix but u have no sat lines wen in radar station veiw. with secondd fix works fine so far for me for .23.5. the error i think is cause sceince alert is looking for active antanna but rt2 disables antanna when now in range

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Does this mod work with mods that add more science experiments, like Interstellar or DMagic Orbital Science?

Also, does this work with Custom Biomes?

It works fine with the basic experiments from my mod. It won't do anything with the anomaly scanner (only with my latest update, the anomaly scanner can be improperly triggered by this mod in previous versions) and it shouldn't see the drill at all.

Edited by DMagic
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Does this mod work with mods that add more science experiments, like Interstellar or DMagic Orbital Science?

The "standard" experiments it does. Some mod experiments don't use the standard situation + biome mask for availability. For those it won't.

And yep, works with custom biomes

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So here's a fun one. I was on the Mun, doing my thing, getting research, piloting my lander from IVA... and suddenly I was alerted to EVA science! I clicked on EVA science, and...

... I got out of the lander in first person view...


It crashed moments later after I hit V. (The game, not my lander.)

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